
​Outlook for the next year

For 2023 we again have big plans.

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[Translate to English:] Berta Karlik. © Archiv der ÖAW

The move to the PSK will continue to occupy us. Together with the Leopoldina, we will hold a Joint Academy Day on the subject of “science-based policy advice”. The OeAW has also committed itself to institutionalizing anti-Semitism research. Anniversaries related to polar research 150 years ago and the first female Academy member Berta Karlik 50 years ago will be reflected in the OeAW activities. Finally, we will be negotiating our new performance agreement next year, which we are preparing for, but which also causes us concern. In view of the many crises, politics is once again clearly focused on the present. As much as that is understandable, research must be a concern of politics that also wants to shape the future.

On behalf of the entire Presiding Committee, I look forward to implementing our projects at the OeAW together with you.


Heinz Faßmann