Lotus Sutra manuscript series : = Hokekyō shahon shirīzu [法華経写本シリーズ] = Série sur les manuscrits du Sūtra du Lotus = Hokekyō shahon shirīzu (jpan) [法華経写本シリーズ]

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Place / Publishing House:Tokyo : Soka Gakkai, 1997-
Publication history:[1.]1997; 2,1.1998 -
Obsah/části:10 záznamů
Poznámky:Teilw. mit Parallelsacht.: Saddharmapuṇḍarīka hastalikhita granthamālā (in Sanskrit)
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Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram : Nepāla rāṣṭriya abhilekhālayako saddharmapuṇḍarīka hastalikhita grantha (la. ca. 21) = Sanskrit Lotus Sutra manuscript from the National archives of Nepal (No. 4-21) ...
Fragments of a manuscript of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra from Khādaliq / edited by Klaus Wille 2000 3
Sanskrit Lotus Sutra manuscript from the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (No. 6) : romanized text : = Eikoku Airurando Ōritsu Ajia Kyōkai shozō bonbun hokekyō shahon (No. 6) : rōmajiban / edited by Haruaki Kotsuki 2007 7
Manuscrit sanscrit du Sūtra du Lotus de la Société asiatique (No. 2) - texte romanisé : = Pari, Ajia Kyōkai shozō bonbun hokekyō shahon (No. 2) - rōmajiban = Sanskrit Lotus Sutra manuscript from the Société Asiatique (No. 2) - romanized text / rédaction par Haruaki Kotsuki 2008 8
Санскритские рукописи Лотосовой Сутры из коллекции Института восточных рукописей Российской академии наук (SI P/5, и др.)
Sanskritskie rukopisi Lotosovoj Sutry iz kollekcii Instituta vostočnych rukopisej Rossijskoj akademii nauk (SI P/5, i dr.) : = Roshia Kagaku Akademī Tōyō Kobun Kenkyūsho shozō bonbun hokekyō shahon (SI P/5 hoka) = Sanskrit Lotus Sutra manuscripts from the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SI P/5, etc.)
2013 F 13
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram : = Sanskrit Lotus Sutra manuscript from the Asiatic Society, Kolkata (No. 4079) : romanized text = Korukata Ajia kyōkai shozō bonbun hokekyō shahon (No. 4079) : rōmaji ban / Ed. by Haruaki Kotsuki 2014 14
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram: Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscript from the National Archives of Nepal (No. 5-144) : romanized text = Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram: Nepāru Kokuritsu Kōbunshokan shozo bonbun hokekyo shahon (No. 5-144) : romajiban / edited by Haruaki Kotsuki 2017 15
Tangut version of the Lotus sutra in the collection of Princeton university library : facsimile, text and linguistic studies = Purinsuton Daigaku Toshokan shozō seikabun myōhō rengekyō : shashinban oyobi tekisuto no kenkyū / Arakawa Shintaro 2018 16
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram : a critical edition of the Sanskrit Lotus Sutra based on Gilgit-Nepalese manuscripts (C3 collated text) = Girugitto neparukei bonbun hokekyō shahon kōteibon (C3 kōteibon) / edited and authored by Haruaki Kotsuki
2019 17
= 梵文法華経写本 (C4) 校訂本ネパール・ギルギット・中央アジア系写本異読対照 / 小槻晴明編者
A critical edition of Sanskrit Lotus Sutra C4 with comparison readings from Nepalese, Gilgit and Central Asian manuscripts : = Bonbun hokekyō shahon (C4) kōteihon nepāru girugitto chūō ajia kei shahon ion taishō / edited with an introduction and notes by Haruaki Kotsuki
2023 18