Title |
Year |
Edition |
Band |
Verb complementation in English : omission of prepositions before THAT-clauses and TO-infinitives / by Solveig Granath
1997 |
A middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament / ed. Herbert Kalén
... |
Fair, foul, nice, proper : a contribution to the study of polysemy / by Arne Rudskoger
1952 |
1 |
The auxiliary do : the establishment and regulation of its use in English / by Alvar Ellegård
1953 |
2 |
The English interrogative pronouns : a study of their syntactic history / by Karlberg Göran
1954 |
3 |
The idea of honour in the English drama : 1591 - 1700 / by C. L. Barber
1957 |
6 |
Airship, aeroplane, aircraft : studies in the history of terms for aircraft in English / by Svante Stubelius
1958 |
7 |
Darwin and the general reader : the reception of Darwin's theory of evolution in the British periodical press, 1859 - 1872 / by Alvar Ellegård
1958 |
8 |
Balloon, flying-machine, helicopter : further studies in the history of terms for aircraft in English / by Svante Stubelius
1960 |
9 |
Papers on English vocabulary and syntax : ed. on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday / Frank Behre
1961 |
10 |
On the syntax of the English verb : with special reference to have a look and similar complex structures / by Yngve Olsson
1961 |
12 |
A statistical method for determining authorship : the Junius letters, 1769 - 1772 / by Alvar Ellegård
1962 |
13 |
Contributions to English syntax and philology / by C. L. Barber ...
1962 |
14 |
English, Latin, and morphemic analysis / by Alvar Ellegård
1963 |
15 |
W. E. Aytoun, pioneer professor of English at Edinburgh : a study of his literary opinions and his contribution to the development of English as an academic discipline / by Erik Frykman
1963 |
17 |
"Bitter knowledge" and "unconquerable hope" : a thematic study of attitudes towards life in Matthew Arnold's poetry 1849-1853 / by Erik Frykman
1966 |
18 |
Studies in Agatha Christie's writings : the behaviour of a good (great) deal, a lot, lots, much, plenty, many, a good (great) many / by Frank Behre
1967 |
19 |
The Evans statements : a case for forensic linguistics / by Jan Svartvik
1968 |
20 |
English denominal adjectives : a generative study of the semantics of a group of high-frequency denominal adjectives in English / by Magnus Ljung
1970 |
21 |
Context and meaning : a study of distributional and semantic relations in a group of Middle English words / by Göran Kjellmer
1971 |
22 |
The generations in Meredith's novels / by Monica Mannheimer
1972 |
23 |
The poetry of Sylvia Plath : a study of themes / by Ingrid Melander
1972 |
25 |
Teaching foreign language grammar to adults : a comparative study / by Tibor von Elek and Mats Oskarsson
1973 |
26 |
Middle English words for "people" / by Göran Kjellmer
1973 |
27 |
Get, come and go : some aspects of situational grammar ; a study based on a corpus drawn from Agatha Christie's writings / by Frank Behre
1973 |
28 |
The literary notes of Thomas Hardy / ed. by Lennart A. Björk
29 |
Did the "Pearl Poet" write Pearl? / by Göran Kjellmer
1975 |
30 |
Carson McCullers' The member of the wedding : aspects of structure and style / by Eleanor Wikborg
1975 |
31 |
The theme of identity in the essays of James Baldwin : an interpretation / by Karin Möller
1975 |
32 |
Phonology, meaning, morphology : on the role of semantic and morphological criteria in phonological analysis / by Sölve Ohlander
1976 |
33 |
Studies in the short stories of William Carleton / by Margaret Chesnutt
1976 |
34 |
Unemphatic marvels : a study of Norman MacCaig's poetry / by Erik Frykman
1977 |
35 |
Joyce Cary's "Hard conceptual labour" : a structural analysis of to be a pilgrim / by Ingvar Söderskog
1977 |
36 |
Imagery in Golding's The spire / by Mall Mölder Stalhammar
1977 |
37 |
Moving inward : a study of Robert Bly's poetry / by Ingegerd Friberg
1977 |
38 |
Aspects of English intonation / by Olof Lindström
1978 |
39 |
Intelligibility : an evaluation of some features of English produced by Swedish 14-year-olds / by Margareta Olsson
1977 |
40 |
Semantic patterns of noun-noun compounds / by Beatrice Warren
1978 |
41 |
Some aspects of the vocabulary of learned and scientific English / by Stig Johansson
1978 |
42 |
The syntactic structure of English texts : a computer-based study of four kinds of text in the Brown University corpus / by Alvar Ellegård
1978 |
43 |
Studies of error gravity : native reactions to errors produced by Swedish learners of English / by Stig Johansson
1978 |
44 |
Between obedience and freedom : woman's role in the mid-nineteenth century industrial novel / by Helena Bergmann
1979 |
45 |
Reflections on the English progressive / by Magnus Ljung
1980 |
46 |
From society to nature : a study of Doris Lessing's Children of violence / by Ingrid Holmquist
1980 |
47 |
Jane Austen's Emma on television : a study of a BBC classical serial / by Monica Lauritzen
1981 |
48 |
Old and Middle English words for "disgrace" and "dishonour" / by Ingegerd Lohmander
1981 |
49 |
Relative junctions in written American English / by Arne Olofsson
1981 |
50 |
"Fire in our hearts" : a study of the portrayal of youth in a selection of post-war British working-class fiction / by Ronald Paul
1982 |
51 |
Crazic, menty and idiotal : an inquiry into the use of suffixes -al, -ic, -ly and -y in modern English / by David Isitt
1983 |
52 |
Aspects of time, ageing and old age in the novels of Patrick White : 1939-1979 / by Mari-Ann Berg
1983 |
53 |
Ideology, art and commerce : aspects of literary sociology in the late Victorian Scottish Kailyard / by Thomas D. Knowles
1983 |
54 |
Herman Melville's Piazza tales : a prophetic vision / by Mary-Madeleine Gina Riddle
1985 |
55 |
Classifying adjectives / by Beatrice Warren
1984 |
56 |
Isolation and contact : a study of character relationships in Joyce Carol Oates's short stories 1963 - 1980 / by Torborg Norman
1984 |
57 |
The theme of honour's tongue : a study of social attitudes in the English drama from Shakespeare to Dryden / by Charles Barber
1985 |
58 |
Brian Friel : the growth of an Irish dramatist / by Ulf Dantanus
1985 |
59 |
Papers on language and literature : presented to Alvar Ellegard and Erik Frykman / ed by Sven Baeckman and Goeran Kjellmer
1985 |
60 |
The neuropsychological status of Swedish-English subsidiary bilinguals / by Gunnar Bergh
1986 |
61 |
English "standard" pronunciations : a study of attitudes / by Matts Mobärg
1989 |
62 |
Learning vocabulary in a foreign language : a study of reading strategies / by Gösta Krantz
1991 |
63 |
The English verb see : a study in multiple meaning / by Christina Alm-Arvius
1993 |
64 |
Ironic formula in the novels of Beryl Bainbridge / by Elisabeth Wennö
1993 |
65 |
The indirect object in present-day English / by Jennifer Herriman
1995 |
66 |
"I am myself alone" : solitude and transcendence in John Cowper Powys / by Janina Nordius
1997 |
67 |
Fictions of (in)betweenness / Claudia Egerer
1997 |
68 |
Middle English words for "town" : a study of changes in a semantic field / by Ann-Marie Svensson
1997 |
70 |
The utterance of America : Emersonian newness in Dos Passos' U. S. A. and Pynchon's Vineland / by David Dickson
1998 |
71 |
After consensus : critical challenge and social change in America / ed. by Hans Löfgren ...
1998 |
72 |
(Re)educating the reader : fictional critiques of poststructuralism in Banville's Dr Copernicus, Coetzee's Foe, and Byatt's Possession / Bo Lundén
1999 |
73 |
The emblem and the emblematic habit of mind in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights / Helena M. Ardholm
1999 |
74 |
Literary texts as nonlinear patterns : a chaotics reading of Rainforest, Transparent Things, Travesty, and Tristram Shandy / Hans C. Werner
1999 |
75 |
The conference forum as a system of genres : a sociocultural study of academic conference practices in automotive crash-safety engineering / Christine Raisänen
1999 |
76 |
The dark lantern : a historical study of sight in Shakespeare, Webster, and Middleton / Marcus Nordlund
1999 |
77 |
Erotographic metafiction : aesthetic strategies and ethical statements in John Hawkes's "Sex Trilogy" / Ulf Cronquist
2000 |
78 |
Betraying the age : social and artistic protest in Brendan Kennelly's work / Åke Persson
2000 |
79 |
Sufism and the quest for spiritual fulfilment in D. H. Lawrence's "The Rainbow" / Fereshteh Zangenehpour
2000 |
80 |
A wealth of English : studies in honour of Göran Kjellmer / ed. by Karin Aijmer
2001 |
81 |
The manners of ghosts : a study of the supernatural in Thomas Hardy's short poems / Sven Bäckman
2001 |
82 |
"To err is human ..." : an investigation of grammatical errors in Swedish 16-year-old learners' written production in English / Pia Köhlmyr
2003 |
83 |
Proceedings from the 8th nordic conference on english studies / ed. by Karind Aijmer and Britta Olinder
2003 |
84 |
An aesthetics of vulnerability : the sentimentum and the novels of Graham Swift / Jakob Winnberg
2003 |
85 |
Iconicity in the writing process : Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and Gerald Murnane's Inland / Lena Sundin
2004 |
86 |
Bring me my arrows of desire : gender utopia in Blakes's The Four Zoas / Magnus Ankarsjö
2004 |
87 |
An international master of syntax and semantics : papers presented to Aimo Sepphänen on the occasion of his 75th birthday / ed. by Gunnar Bergh ...
2004 |
88 |
Translation and corpora : selected papers from the Göteborg-Oslo Symposium 18 - 19 October 2003 / ed. by Karin Aijmer ...
2004 |
89 |
New tendencies in translation studies : selected papers from a workshop, Göteborg 12 December 2003 / ed. by Karin Aijmer ...
2005 |
90 |
Noun complementation in English : a corpus-based study of structural types and patterns / Rhonwen Bowen
2005 |
91 |
Tense and aspect in advanced Swedish learners' written English / Andreas Eriksson
2008 |
92 |
Lines and traces : papers presented to Lennart Björk on the occasion of his 70th birthday / ed. by Gunilla Florby ...
2006 |
93 |
At home in the world : essays and poems in honour of Britta Olinder / ed. by Chloé Avril and Ronald Paul
2008 |
94 |
How to construct a temple : Melville and the architecture of romanticism / Anna Hellén
2009 |
95 |
Corpora and discourse - and stuff : papers in honour of Karin Aijmer / Ed. by Rhonwen Bowen ...
2009 |
96 |
Teaching in English or English teaching? : on the effects of content and language integrated learning of Swedish learners' incidental vocabulary acquisition / Liss Kerstin Sylvén
2010 |
97 |
Language, football and all that jazz : a festschrift for Sölve Ohlander / Gunnar Bergh ... (eds.)
2013 |
100 |