Madhyamakāvatāra of Ācarya Candrakīrti : root text along with the autocommentary : (chapters 1-5) = slob dpon zla ba grags pas mdzad pa'i dbu ma la 'jug pa'i sems bskyed dang po lnga'i bshad pa = Ācāryacandrakīrtiviracitaḥ svavṛttisahitaḥ madhyamakāvatāraḥ / restored into Sanskrit, translated into Hindi and critically edited Tibetan text by Tashi Tsering

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Podrobná bibliografie
Superior document:Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica series 58
Place / Publishing House:Sarnath : Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies, 2005
Rok vydání:2005
Vydání:First edition
Edice:Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica series 58
Classification:11.93 - Buddhismus
18.92 - Sonstige asiatische Sprachen und Literaturen
Fyzický popis:xii, 522 Seiten
Poznámky:Einleitung englisch, Hindi und tibetisch
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