The Yoga-system of Patañjali : or the ancient Hindu doctrine of concentration of mind embracing the mnemonic rules, called Yoga-sūtras, of Patañjali and the comment, called Yoga-Bhāshya, attributed to Veda-Vyāsa and the explanation, called Tattva-Vāiçāradī, of Vāchaspati-Miçra. Transl. from the original sanskrit / by James Haughton Woods

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Podrobná bibliografie
Superior document:Harvard oriental series 17
Place / Publishing House:Delhi : Banarsidass, 1988
Rok vydání:1988
Edice:Harvard oriental series 17
Classification:11.92 - Hinduismus
Fyzický popis:XLI, 381 S.
Poznámky:Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke (1992)
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