Indices verborum Sanscrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Sanscrit to the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti and the Nyāyabinduṭīkā of Dharmottara : from the edition of the Sanscrit and Tibetan texts by Th. Stcherbatsky / 1 : Sanscrit - Tibetan index / comp. by E. Obermiller with a preface by Th. Stcherbatsky

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Superior document:Indices verborum Sanscrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Sanscrit to the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti and the Nyāyabinduṭīkā of Dharmottara from the edition of the Sanscrit and Tibetan texts by Th. Stcherbatsky 1
VerfasserIn eines Vorworts:
Place / Publishing House:Delhi : Banarsidass, 1992
Editie:[Nachdr. d. Ausgabe Leningrad, 1927], 1. Indian ed.
Reeks:Bibliotheca Buddhica 24
Classification:11.93 - Buddhismus
Fysieke beschrijving:IV, 123 S.
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