
Francesca Ferlaino and ESQ PostDoc Matthew Norcia highlight the great potential of ultracold quantum gases from lanthanides

In a special issue of Nature Physics, Francesca Ferlaino and Matthew Norcia present the properties of lanthanides and elaborate on their potential for research.

In the review article in Nature Physics, Ferlaino and Norcia present the properties of lanthanides and elaborate on their potential for research.

Despite their complexity, lanthanides are comparatively easy to access for experimental research and offer a wide range of possibilities for basic research and application.

A quarter of a century after the first creation of Bose-Einstein condensates, the journal Nature Physics publishes a focus issue on developments in the field of ultracold quantum gases and their potential in the future.

A decade later, first research groups, including a team led by Francesca Ferlaino at the University of Innsbruck, were beginning to condense more complex particles, the lanthanides.

In 2012, Francesca Ferlaino's team succeeded in condensing erbium for the first time. Since then, many research groups have realized these potentials, and there are now scores of groups around the world working on ultracold quantum gases of more complex elements.

In the review article in Nature Physics, Ferlaino and Norcia present the properties of lanthanides and elaborate on their potential for research.


For more information see:


Developments in atomic control using ultracold magnetic lanthanides. Matthew A. Norcia, Francesca Ferlaino. Nature Physics 2021

Dipolar Quantum Gases



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