
ESQ PostDoc Fellow Gonzalo Manzano and colleagues from IQOQI Vienna use quantum effects to improve the operation of small thermal machines

ESQ PostDoc Fellow Gonzalo Manzano and colleagues from IQOQI Vienna, together with researchers from ICTP Trieste (Italy) and Université Mohammed V of Rabat (Morrocco) have investigated the impact of energetic quantum coherence in the operation of a small thermal machine model.

ESQ PostDoc Fellow Gonzalo Manzano and colleagues from IQOQI Vienna, together with researchers from ICTP Trieste (Italy) and Université Mohammed V of Rabat (Morrocco) have investigated the impact of energetic quantum coherence in the operation of a small thermal machine model which can act either as a heat engine or as a refrigerator. The results show that input coherence enhances the machine performance and allow it to operate in otherwise forbidden regimes. However, in some cases, coherence may also be detrimental, rendering optimization of particular models a crucial task for benefiting from coherence-induced enhancements.

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Kenza Hammam, Yassine Hassouni, Rosario Fazio and Gonzalo Manzano,"Optimizing autonomous thermal machines powered by energetic coherence". New J. Phys. 23 043024 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/abeb47



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