Wed, 26.02.2020 16:00

ISA Regional Guest Lecture: John Harrison

Architectural Documentation and Restoration Work in the Tibetan Himalayas: Methodologies, Networks and Outcomes

From his work with the Kalasha people in the Hindu Kush, and then with ethnic Tibetan societies in Mustang, Nepal, in Lhasa, and in Indian Himalayan Ladakh, he will describe, with profuse illustrations, his methodologies, fieldwork, social and professional networks, and the variety of outcomes.

John Harrison (Research Fellow, Liverpool School of Architecture) is a British architect who has been travelling, documenting and restoring historic buildings in Ladakh, Nepal, Pakistan and Tibet since 1985. He has experience in managing complex preservation projects, including research of historic documents and materials. In Ladakh (Jammu-Kashmir, India) he was the architect for the restoration and conversion of the Munshi House in Leh old town as a community arts centre. This project has recently been given an Award of Distinction in the 2018 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.




Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2020, 16.00

ÖAW, Institut für Sozialanthropologie
A-1020 Wien, Hollandstrasse 11-13
