Geographic Information Science as a science and Geoinformatics as its methodology are not focused on any particular subject domain, but rather on a perspective. As a transversal discipline, an explicitly spatial view is applied to economy, society and the environment. Across traditionally “spatial” subjects, such as planning, resource management and logistics, GIS have long been established. Others, such as the humanities, currently experience the additional benefit of a “spatial turn”. Geoinformatics today provides an increasingly integral and highly important approach far beyond the typical “geo-disciplines”, by generating added value to information and knowledge through the spatial perspective, thus enabling better decision-making processes.
GI_Forum provided a platform for dialogue among geospatial minds, creating an informed GeoInformation Society, hoping to contribute to a more just, ethical and sustainable society. Prominent keynote speakers will highlight new developments, offer visionary insights into trends and developments, and at the same time be individually accessible for our Young Researchers.
GI_Forum has been the annual meeting place for Geoinformatics in Salzburg since 2007 – the last two symposia took place online.
As our world, our society, our ways of human interactions faced new challenges, it was time to rethink the event, to develop it further and to meet the many new requirements of how people meet professionally. With a focus on networking, innovation and continuing education, new concepts were developed: As of 2022, GI_Forum and AGIT become GI_Salzburg: The Forum for Geoinformatics.
Find all necessary information on the new website