ESQ PostDoc

Lauri Toikka

New systems for understanding old hard problems: a topological Fermi superfluid as a quantum simulator 

Recent experimental progress opens a promising prospect for creating an ultra-cold atomic Fermi superfluid in the laboratory in the near future that has topological properties. It is now understood that topology underpins many important physical phenomena including exciting applications for quantum technology. The main goal of this project is to study analytically and numerically the strongly-correlated topologically non-trivial quantum many-body system in order to gain insight on new physics and applications.

After his ESQ Postdoc Fellowship Lauri Toikka stayed on at Innsbruck University with a Lise Meitner (FWF) Fellowship.




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Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna


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