
Regional and Trans-Regional Interactions in Times of Fragmentation

(300 -800 CE)

Vienna 11th-13th December 2014
International Workshop

We intend to host a workshop, on 11 to 13 December 2014, at Austrian Academy, Vienna.

True to the nature of a workshop, the format will consist of a discussion of pre-circulated papers.

If you would like to propose a paper for discussion, please send a 400-word abstract to 
David Natal
 by 25 April 2014. Once we see how many responses we have received, we will aim to let you know whether we are able to include the paper in the workshop as
soon as possible, and certainly by 10 May.
We will then ask for full drafts of the papers (in English and no longer than 8000 words) by 23 October, and we will circulate them shortly afterwards so that colleagues will have a chance to have read and thought about them well in advance of the workshop on 11-13 December.

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