Wed, 11.01.2023 16:00

IWF @ EAI Academy

The EAI Academy starts the new year with two IWF lectures on exoplanetary research.

The EAI Academy of the European Astrobiology Institute (EAI) is an international educational program broadcasted by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, CSIC-INTA), Madrid, Spain. It provides a framework to meet online with the European astrobiology community and to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge through a series of seminars given by world-renowned experts in these fields.

The lecture programme is primarily tailored to interested students, regardless of their field of study, to get a first insight into the different facets of astrobiology.

The seminars are offered for free and are streamed online via Zoom every two weeks on Wednesday from 3.00 to 4.00 pm. The lecturers will answer the questions raised by the public after their talk. All seminars will be recorded and available on the CAB and the EAI YouTube channels.

The year 2023 starts with two lectures in the field of exoplanet research:

  • On 11 January 2023, IWF Director Christiane Helling will talk about Virtual laboratories for understanding weather and climate regimes of extrasolar planets - Lab simulations of planet and satellite atmospheres.
  • On 25 January 2023, IWF Group Leader Luca Fossati will present The CHEOPS mission - Missions to explore exoplanets.

The full lecture programme for the academic year 2022/2023 can be found at EAI.


EAi Academy




Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting

21 October 2022

University of Vienna
University Center II (UZA II)