Providing innovative service models and assessments

PRISMA's objectives were: the analysis of major trends in the provision of public services and service innovations based on information and communication technologies; the identification of current good practice in service supply; and the development of future-oriented service models and scenarios for EU-Europe and the new Accession States.

The project comprised general interest services in the fields of administration, health, persons with special needs (including the disabled and the elderly), environment, transport and tourism. ITA's work focused on the fields of e-Administration, e-Democracy and e-Tourism. PRISMA was funded by the European Commission's 5th Framework Programme, Key Action I: Information Society Technologies (IST), Services for the Citizen.

The results showed that innovative electronic services, despite a rather uneven diffusion, have great potential in Europe. However, to exploit maximum societal benefits a number of barriers need to be overcome (e.g. reorganisation of administrative processes), options and criteria of design need to be carefully balanced (e.g. efficiency vs. privacy), and accompanying socially integrative measures are required (e.g. alternative access channels). The project was concluded with ten thematic reports in the form of printed brochures as the final output.


08/2000 - 04/2002


  • Georg Aichholzer