Fri, 15.09.2023 – 15.09.2023

call for papers!

01-04 July 2024 | Sessions at the International Medieval Congress | Leeds

Medieval Sermon Studies

Sponsor:International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Alexander Marx
Deadline for submissions: 15 Sept. 2023


After we had an interesting Sermon Studies Session at the IMC 23, we would hope to continue with this effort at the IMC 24, in order to strengthen the presence of sermon scholarship at this important conference. This call invites thus proposals for 20-minute papers (preferably in English) in any subject or period related to sermon material and preaching efforts. Papers may relate (but are not limited to) next year’s topic of ‘Crisis’, for example, as to how sermons were a device for dealing with or explaining crises such as sermon texts devoted to rogation liturgy. But please feel free to submit papers that are not related to the subject of ‘Crisis’.
If you are interested in presenting in these sessions, please send a title and c.250 words abstract (in English) to the organizer by 15 Sept. 2023.
And if there are any queries, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to address the organizer.

Conflict and Polemic on the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean World

Sponsor: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ibero-Mediaevistik
Alexander Marx | Austrian Academy of Sciences
Laurin Herberich | University of Heidelberg
Deadline for proposals: 15 Sept. 2023


This call for papers invites contributions concerned with the Iberian Peninsula and neighboring regions in the Mediterranean World. Papers can focus on any period throughout the Middle Ages. The thematic focus is concerned with the subjects of conflict and polemic, including inter-religious interaction, political conflicts, crusading, piracy, polemical literature, notions of the other, and preaching efforts – but not limited to these subjects.
Besides this thematic focus, these sessions have the goal to seize the opportunity provided by the IMC to bring together scholars from different scholarly and national communities, since many different groups are working on the Iberian Peninsula, and via these sessions we would hope to encourage stronger interaction between these groups. This includes several nationally determined groups such as the strong German scholarship on Iberia (as united in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ibero-Mediaevistik) as well as several subject-related groups such as crusade scholars devoted to corresponding phenomena on the Peninsula. These sessions have therefore the goal to put different communities into conversation and to generate new synergies between different scholarly traditions.
If you are interested in presenting in these sessions, please send a title and c.250 words abstract (in English) to the two organizers by 15 Sept. 2023.