
Nana Miyata


Nana Miyata was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History.

Brief Biography

Nana Miyata received a BA in liberal arts from the International Christian University in Tokyo in 2003. She obtained an MA in Japanese studies (major), sinology and comparative religion from the University of Bonn in 2007, and a PhD in Japanese studies in 2012. Nana Miyata contributed to the concept and organisation of the exhibition ‘150 Years of German-Japanese Relations’ initiated by the Federal Foreign Office on the occasion of the anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2011. She was a Fritz Thyssen research fellow from 2011 to 2012, before pursuing further studies in the field of social sciences and receiving an MSc from the University of Edinburgh in 2015. From 2012 to 2013, she was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, a position that she held until the end of 2018.

Research Interests

Period: 16th to the 20th centuries.
Area: Japan, Europe (in particular Austria and Germany)
Topics: diplomatic and cultural relations between Europe and Japan (focusing on Austria and Germany), intellectual history, research into German-language primary sources relating to Japan

Selected Publications

  • Michael Moser (1853-1912). Sieben Jahre in japanischen Diensten 1869-1876. Tagebücher, Briefe und Essays. Herausgegeben zusammen mit P. Pantzer. München: Iudicium Verlag, 2018 (Die Japanische Übersetzung von Miyata wird im April 2018 bei Bensei-Shuppan in Tokyo erscheinen, ca. S. 430 Seiten)
  • Kindai-nihon no nikki no gakusai-kenkyū: Nichi-ō hikaku no shiza kara [Interdisziplinäre Forschung über Tagebücher im Modernen Japan aus der vergleichenden Perspektive zwischen Japan und Europa] In Tanaka, Y. (hg.) Nikki bunka kara kindai-Nihon wo tou [Modernes Japan in der Tagebuchkultur]. Tokyo: Kasama-shoin, 2018, S. 457-486.
  • For whom are the Humanities?: From a comparative perspective of the history of research on autobiographical writings in Europe and Japan. In Bunmei. Special Edition: Dialogue between Civilizations. Kanagawa: Tōkai University, Institute of Civilization Research, 2017, S. 164-180.
  • Nichi-doku kōryū 150-nen no kiseki [150 Jahre Japanisch-Deutsche Beziehungen], herausgegeben zusammen mit H. Hakoishi u. P. Pantzer. Tokyo: Yūshōdō (unterstützt von der Deutschen Botschaft in Tokyo), 2013, 345 Seiten.
  • Die Übernahme der chinesischen Kultur in Japans Altertum: Kultureller Wandel im innen- und außenpolitischen Kontext. Dissertation, University of Bonn. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, and London: LIT-Verlag (Tübinger Ostasiatische Forschungen / Tübingen East Asia Research, BUNKA-WENHUA. Vol. 22), 2012, 352 Seiten.