Michael Kuhn

Research Group: Economic Demography

(on leave)


Selected Publications

Noncommunicable diseases attributable to tobacco use in China: Macroeconomic burden and tobacco control policies
Author(s): SE Chen, M Kuhn, K Prettner, DE Bloom
Reference: Health Affairs 38(11), 1832-1839. (Included in Health Affairs Editor’s top-10 for 2019).
Year: 2019

The global macroeconomic burden of road injuries: Estimates and projections for 166 countries
Author(s): SE Chen, M Kuhn, K Prettner, DE Bloom
Reference: The Lancet: Planetary Health Volume 3, ISSUE 9, Pe390-e398
Year: 2019

Population Change and the Regional Distribution of Physicians
Author(s): M Kuhn and C Ochsen
Reference: Journal of the Economics of Ageing 14, 100197
Year: 2019

Access to health care, medical progress and the emergence of the longevity gap: A general equilibrium analysis
Author(s): I Frankovic and M Kuhn
Reference: Journal of the Economics of Ageing 14, 100188
Year: 2019

Health and Economic Growth
Author(s): Bloom, DE, Kuhn, M and Prettner K
Reference: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance
Year: 2019

Areas of Expertise

  • Health Economics
  • Macroeconomics of Health & Healthcare
  • Life Cycle Modelling of Health Behaviour
  • Economics of Long-term Care