Vacancies at VID
- VID's Research Group Demography of Austria is offering a PostDoc position.
The Research Group Demography of Austria is headed by Isabella Buber-Ennser and offers a PostDoc position for up to 6 years. The research group investigates the demography of the Austrian population in an international comparative perspective and participates as the Austrian partner in international networks. Our research is based on different data sources including survey data and self-collected data and focuses currently on fertility and (forced) migration in Austria. We aim to expand our research to include aspects of ageing, socio-economic disparities and health across the life course by using emerging social science research infrastructures as well as novel administrative data (register data).
- VID's Research Group on Population Data and Projections is offering a PhD student position.
The Research Group on Population Data and Projections is headed by Anne Goujon and offers a PreDoc position for an initial period of 2 years. The research group contributes to global population and human capital projections developed by the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna). Our work focuses particularly on collecting and estimating the base year population by educational attainment, as well as examining mortality and fertility differentials across education levels. Additionally, we engage in reconstruction efforts to highlight the role of education in the 20th century by reconstructing populations, fertility, and mortality by educational level.