FIT (german: "Frauen in die Technik") is an academic orientation program for female high school students who consider technical-scientific and engineering studies for their future career. In workshops students get informed about the practical work in the fields at universities and other higher education institutions.

For the first time the SMI participated in the FIT days in collaboration with the Technical University Vienna. Under the header „From Marie Curie to modern subatomic Physics” more than 30 participants got insights into the research of the Stefan Meyer Institute and its historic development since 1910. In small groups the pupils visited four stations and learned how to detect cosmic rays or beta-radiation in theory and practice, how a modern detector works and how technicians and researchers daily work together.

We gratefully thank the NGO-Sprungbrett for the organisation of the FIT days. []

Upcoming Dates: 31.01.2018 at SMI


Past Dates:


View Photos 2016