Positron Physics

The Great Positron Obstacle Race

At the Stefan Meyer Institute (SMI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, researchers are building an experiment, which allows us to see how positrons interact with matter.

Created by: Alina Weiser, Christin Schuster, Clara Freytag, Viktoria Kabel

The Actors

The electron: The anti-hero. The electron is one of the fundamental particles in physics. It has a negative charge and is usually found in the shells of atoms.

The positron: The main character of the film. The positron is the positively charged counterpart of the electron, in other words his anti-matter partner.

Positronium: The (very) short- friendship of electron and positron. When an electron and a positron meet, they can form a short-lived bond before they destroy each other.

The photons: Light particles, which are produced, for example, when bigger particles decay or when matter meets anti-matter. When the friendship between electron and positron comes to an end, they destroy each other and create light particles, too.

CH4: The star of the molecule prom. The CH4 molecule consists of a carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, which are all going to the prom together as friends.

PsH: The friends of the positron. Since the positron is anti-matter, it is a rather difficult for it to make friends. But sometimes, it succeeds. This group of friends consists of one hydrogen atom (1 proton, 1 electron) and one positronium (1 positron, 1 electron).

The Stages of the Obstacle Race

Positron Source

Everything starts with a radioactive decay. A sodium atom decays into a neon atom through a beta-decay, releasing a positron as a byproduct. In particular, in the course of this decay, a proton morphs into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino.

The Neon Ice Maze

The positrons from the radioactive source are too energetic to be used directly in experiments. To slow them down, scientists are using a very thin layer of neon ice, also known as a "moderator". This requires a very cold surface (250°C colder than a standard freezer). While the positrons fly through the ice, they collide hundreds of times, losing a little bit of energy each time. However, the ice is not perfect but has impurities and holes, in which the positrons are destroyed while their energy is released as gamma rays (light). Only about 1% of the positrons make it through the ice but in return, their energy is about 100.000 times smaller.

The Magnetic Halfpipe

As there are still positrons, which are moving too fast, one needs to get rid of those as well. To this end, magnetic fields are used, as these deflect charged particles such as the positrons. When the magnetic field is switched off, all particles are stopped in their flight. Once the magnetic field is turned on, the positrons with low energy make it through the halfpipe while those, which are moving too fast, are not deflected enough and crash against the wall.

Positron Paragliding

In order to prepare the positrons perfectly for the experiment, they need to be collected in a trap. For that purpose, a strong magnetic field and a cascading electric field in the shape of the mountain in the video, are employed. The positrons entering the trap need to lose further energy. This is achieved with the help of a cloud of gas. Through a collision with the cloud, the positrons can pass on their energy to the molecules in the gas cloud - they excite the electrons or cause the molecule to oscillate or rotate.

There is also a unique process, in which the positron steals an electron from the atom. Then, the positron and electron circle each other without a heavy atomic core. This process constitutes the formation of a positronium. Positronium is like hydrogen (1 proton, 1 electron) but instead of the positive proton, it contains a positively charged positron. This atom is not very stable, destroys itself after a short amount of time, and produces light particles in the process.

Finally, if the positron loses energy, it falls down the "mountain" step by step until it is trapped at the lowest level. There, many positrons are collected and stored until they are needed.

Molecule Prom

The positron has now overcome all obstacles and has the right energy to interact with the molecules. At the Molecule Prom - that is, in the reaction chamber - the positron can interact with CH4 (or other gases).

In this process, different reactions can take place:

  1. CH4 is ionised, that is, the positron knocks an electron out of the CH4 molecule, and both of them fly away. A positively charged CH4is left behind.

  2. The positron steals and electron from the CH4 and they form a positronium. This bond is destroyed after a short time and converted into light. Again, a CH4+ ion is formed in the process.

  3. Just as in the secod case, the positron steals an electron from the molecule and form positronium. However, the CH4 molecule can also decay further, in which case a hydrogen atom can combine with the positronium, forming PsH. A CH3+ molecule remains.

Many special molecules involving positronium, such as PsH, have been predicted theoretically but haven't been found so far. Our experiment is designed to create and thus confirm the existences of many different such molecules.

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Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Kegelgasse 27
1030 Vienna, Austria

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