Title |
Year |
Edition |
Band |
Studies in the scholia on Aeschylus / by Ole Langwitz Smith
... |
History of the Graeco-Latin fable / by Francisco Rodríguez Adrados. Transl. by Leslie A. Ray. This ed. has been rev. and updated by the author Gert-Jan van Dijk
... |
Le mythe de Platon, de Zarathoustra et des Chaldéens : étude critique sur les relations intellectuelles entre Platon et l'Orient / par W. J. W. Koster
1951 |
3 |
The ephebic inscriptions of the fourth century B. C. / by O. W. Reinmuth
1971 |
14 |
The prescripts of Athenian decrees / by Alan S. Henry
1977 |
49 |
Private morality in Greece and Rome : some historical aspects / by W. Den Boer
1979 |
57 |
Fortress Attica : defense of the Athenian land frontier 404 - 322 B.C. / by Josiah Ober
1985 |
84 |
The foreign policy of Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus / by B. C. McGing
1986 |
89 |
The archaistic style in Roman statuary
1990 |
110 |
Ships and sea-power before the great Persian War : the ancestry of the ancient trireme / by H. T. Wallinga
1993 |
121 |
Theatres in Roman Palestine and Provincia Arabia / by Arthur Segal
1995 |
140 |
Athenian settlements of the fourth century B.C. / by Jack Cargill
1995 |
145 |
A new companion to Homer / ed. by Ian Morris ...
1997 |
163 |
Dynastic Lycia : a political history of the Lycians and their relations with foreign powers, C. 545 - 362 B.C. / by Antony G. Keen
1998 |
178 |
Military religion in Roman Britain / by Georgia L. Irby-Massie
1999 |
199 |
The role of the physical environment in ancient Greek seafaring / by Jamie Morton
2001 |
213 |
Greek identity in the western Mediterranean : papers in honour of Brian Shefton / ed. by Kathryn Lomas
2003 |
246 |
Not wholly free : the concept of manumission and the status of manumitted slaves in the ancient world / R. Zelnick-Abramovitz
2005 |
266 |
Solon of Athens : new historical and philological approaches / ed. by Josine H. Blok ...
2006 |
272 |
Singing Alexandria : music between practice and textual transmission / by L. Prauscello
2006 |
274 |
Von den Toren des Hades zu den Hallen des Olymp : Artemiskult bei Theokrit und Kallimachos / von Ivana Petrovic
2007 |
281 |
Connecting a city to the sea : the history of the Athenian long walls / by David H. Conwell
2008 |
293 |
Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens : a new epigraphy and prosopography / by Geoffrey C. R. Schmalz
2009 |
302 |
Governmental intervention in foreign trade in archaic and classical Greece / by Errietta M. A. Bissa
2009 |
312 |
Technopaignia : Formspiele in der griechischen Dichtung / von Christine Luz
2010 |
324 |
Sacred words : orality, literacy, and religion ; orality and literacy in the ancient world, vol. 8 ; [International Conference on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World (8th, 2008, (Soeterbeeck, Ravenstein, Netherlands)] / ed. by A.P.M.H. Lardinois ...
2011 |
332 |
Individuals and society in Mycenaean Pylos / by Dimitri Nakassis
2013 |
358 |
Taxing freedom in Thessalian manumission inscriptions / by Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz
2013 |
361 |
Spolia in fortifications and the common builder in late antiquity / by Jon M. Frey
2016 |
389 |
Valuing landscape in classical antiquity : natural environment and cultural imagination / edited by Jeremy McInerney, Ineke Sluiter ; with the assistance of Bob Corthals
2016 |
393 |
On the agora : the evolution of a public space in Hellenistic and Roman Greece (c. 323 BC-267 AD) / by Christopher P. Dickenson
2017 |
398 |
The economic integration of Roman Italy : rural communities in a globalising world / edited by T.C.A. de Haas, G.W. Tol
2017 |
404 |
Citizens in the Graeco-Roman world : aspects of citizenship from the Archaic Period to AD 212 / edited by Lucia Cecchet, Anna Busetto
2017 |
407 |
Feasting and polis institutions / edited by Floris van den Eijnde, Josine H. Blok, Rolf Strootman
2018 |
414 |
Early Arsakid Parthia (ca. 250-165 B.C.) : at the crossroads of Iranian, Hellenistic, and central Asian history / by Marek Jan Olbrycht
2021 |
440 |
Aelia Capitolina - Jerusalem in the Roman period : in light of archaeological research / by Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah
2020 |
volume 432 |
Kypriōn politeia, the political and administrative systems of the classical Cypriot city-kingdoms / by Beatrice Pestarino
2022 |
volume 459 : History and archaeology of classical antiquity |