The synchronisation of civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the second millennium B.C. / 3 : Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 - 2nd EuroConference, Vienna, 28th of May - 1st of June 2003 / ed. by Manfred Bietak ...

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Superior document:The synchronisation of civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the second millennium B.C. 3
Place / Publishing House:Wien : Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss., 2007
Year of Publication:2007
Series:Contributions to the chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean 9
Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 37
Contents/pieces:46 records
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Physical Description:629 S.; Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
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Title Year Edition Band
Tell el-Dabʿa: some remarks on the pottery from ʿEzbet Helmi (areas H/III and H/VI, strata e/1 and d) / Perla Fuscaldo 2007
Egyptian and related chronologies : look, no sciences, no pots! / Kenneth A. Kitchen 2007
The impact on correlations to the Levant of the recent stratigraphic evidence from the Argolid / Elizabeth French 2007
Project Thera Ashes : pumice sample from Knossos / Max Bichler, Heinz Huber, and Peter Warren 2007
Coexistence and impermeability: Egytians and Philistines in southern Canaan during the twelfth century BCE / Tristan J. Barako 2007
Lachish and the date of the Philistine settlement in Canaan / David Ussishkin 2007
Dating the destruction of Canaanite Hazor without Mycenaean pottery? / Sharon Zuckerman 2007
Times change: the current state of the debate in Old World chronology / Malcolm H. Wiener 2007
Charcoal radiocarbon dates of Tell el-Dabʿa / Hendrik J. Bruins, Amihai Mazar, and Johannes van der Plicht 2007
Charcoal radiocarbon dates of Tell el-Dabʿa / Hendrik J. Bruins 2007
An Egyptian chronology for Dynasties XIII to XXV / Rolf Krauss 2007
Tell Kazel and the Mycenaean contacts with Amurru (Syria) / Reinhard Jung 2007
New perspectives on Troia VI chronology / Peter Pavúk 2007
Introduction : high and low chronology / Manfred Bietak and Felix Höflmayer 2007
Some ornamental scenes on the wall paintings from Tell el-Dabʿa : iconography and context / Katharina Aslanidou 2007
Myc IIIC in the Land Israel : its distribution, date and significance / Amihai Mazar 2007
The dating of the Early LC IIIA Phase at Enkomi / Penelope A. Mountjoy 2007
Distinction of pre-Minoan pumice from Santorini, Greece / Max Bichler ... 2007
Late Old Syrian fortifications and Middle Syrian re-occupation on the Western rampart at Tell Mardikh-Ebla / Luca Peyronel 2007
Some remarks on the Egyptian Kernoi / Teodozja Rzeuska 2007
Section "Mycenaeans and Philistines in the Levant" : introduction / Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy 2007
The Mycenaean pottery from Tel Aphek : chronology and patterns of trade / Marta Guzowska and Assaf Yasur-Landau 2007
Exchange between Cyprus and Crete in the 'Dark Ages'? / Constance von Rüden 2007
14 C and the early Iron Age of Israel : where are we really at? ; a commentary on the Tel Rehov radiometric dates / Ilan Sharon, Ayelet Gilboa, Elisabetta Boaretto 2007
A habitation site at Karnak North prior to the New Kingdom / Helen Jacquet-Gordon 2007
Reinterpretation of Greenland ice-core data recognises the presence of the late Holocene Aniakchak tephra (Alaska), not the Minoan tephra (Santorini), at 1645 BC / Nicolas J. G. Pearce ... 2007
First lunar crescents for Babylon in the 2nd millennium B.C. / Uroš Anderlič and Maria G. Firneis 2007
Kom Rabiʿa, Ezbeth Helmi, and Saqqara NK 3507 : a study in cross-dating / David A. Aston 2007
A new pumice analysis from Knossos and the end of the Late Minoan I A / Peter M. Warren 2007
A seldom used parameter in pottery studies : the capacity of pottery vessels / Jean-Paul Thalmann 2007
The Amenhotep III 'plaques' from Mycenae : comparison, contrast and a question of chronology / Jacke Phillips 2007
A collection of Egyptian and Egyptian-style pottery at Beth Shean / Mario A. S. Martin 2007
Intra moenia Middle Bronze Age burials at Tell es-Sultan : a chronological perspective / Sandra Antonetti 2007
The foundation of Enkomi : a new analysis of the stratigraphic sequence and regional ceramic connections / Lindy Crewe 2007
A tale of two cities: first results of a comparison between Avaris and Memphis / Bettina Bader 2007
Bronze Age paintings in the Levant : chronological and cultural considerations / Manfred Bietak 2007
Mittani Empire and the question of absolute chronology : some archaeological considerations / Mirko Novák 2007
Sinda and the absolute chronology of Late Cypriote IIIA / Paul Åstöm 2007
The public face of the absolute chronology for Cypriot prehistory / Sophocles Hadjisavvas 2007
Let's do the time warp again: migration processes and the absolute chronology of the Philistine settlement / Assaf Yasur-Landau 2007
Tell Abu Hawam: news from the Late Bronze Age / Michal Artzy 2007
Clarifying the 'high' v. 'low' Aegean/Cypriot chronology for the mid second millennium BC : assessing the evidence, interpretive frameworks, and current state of the debate / Sturt W. Manning 2007
Early and Middle Bronze Age stratigraphy and pottery from Aegina Kolonna / Walter Gauss and Rudolfine Smetana 2007
Syrian trade routes of the Mari age and MB II Hazor / Frans van Koppen 2007
New research on Middle Age chronology of Western Syria / Uwe Sievertsen 2007
Is the Philistine Paradigm still viable? / Israel Finkelstein 2007