Sanskrit and World Culture : : Proceedings of the Fourth World Sanskrit Conference of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Weimar, May 23–30, 1979 / / ed. by Wolfgang Morgenroth.
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Superior document: | Title is part of eBook package: De Gruyter DGBA Philosophy <1990 |
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Place / Publishing House: | Berlin ;, Boston : : De Gruyter, , [2020] ©1986 |
Year of Publication: | 2020 |
Edition: | Reprint 2020 |
Language: | English |
Series: | Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients ;
18 |
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Physical Description: | 1 online resource (766 p.) :; 7 Plates |
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Other title: | Frontmatter -- Foreword -- Preface -- Contents -- 1. Sanskrit and Humanistic Sciences -- Le sanskrit et la culture générale du monde -- 2. Ancient History of South Asia -- Society and State in Ancient India — Based on Sanskrit Sources, Mainly on the Arthasāstra -- The Kidarite Kings in Kalhaṇa's Rājataraṅgiṇī -- Pflugtypen nichtarischer Völkerschaften in historischer Wertung. Zur Entwicklung der Produktivkräfte auf dem indischen Subkontinent -- Spuren bäuerlichen Widerstandes gegen die Feudalabhängigkeit in der frühfeudalen Phase (5.-8. Jh. u. Z.) in Indien im Vergleich zu West- und Osteuropa -- Prakṛtilcopa, janapadalcopa — Formen sozialer und politischer Auseinandersetzungen in der altindischen Gesellschaft -- Frühe Formen des Grundeigentums in Indien - urvarā und kṣetra im Ṛgveda -- From gopati to bhūpati. A Review of the Changing Position of the King -- 3. The Role of Sanskrit in South Asia -- Sanskrit Culture and Modern Nepalese Poetry -- Die Rolle persischer Übersetzungen der Sanskritschriftdenkmäler in der indo-moslemischen kulturellen Synthese -- Джаядева и вишнуитская лирика в Бенгалии -- Traces of Saivism and Visnuism in the Traditional Ethno-Areal Forms of the Folk Theatre and Dance -- Indian Myths and Legends in R. K. Nārāyaṇ's Interpretation -- Some Problems of the Sanskrit Elements in Nepalī -- Le sanskrit et les écrivains musulmans à l'époque mogole -- Die Bedeutung der klassischen indischen Philosophie für die moderne Philosophie Indiens, dargestellt am Beispiel Bāl Gaṅgādhar Tilaks und Swāmī Vivekānandas -- Влияние Теории Классиуеской Поэтики Ратуру Хинди Позднего Средневековья -- Revival in the Sanskrit mahākāvya Tradition -- Sanskrit Inscriptions of Ancient Assam -- On the Impact of the Ancient Indian Literary Tradition on Prose dastans in Urdū -- The Influence of Sanskrit Poetical Motifs and Technique on Sinhala Poetry -- Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of India and Its Role in the Development of Modern Literature -- Bhāgavatapurāṇa Tradition and Poetry of Vaiśnava Bhakti -- 4. The Role of Sanskrit in the World -- 4.1. Sanskrit in Central Asia -- On the Tibetan and Mongolian Translations of Sanskrit Grammatical Works -- Краткий обзор тибетских и монгольских сборников рассказов из Пануаманмры -- Zur Entwicklung mittelasiatischer Wandmalerei unter indischem Einfluß -- Notes on the Tibetan Tradition in Grammar -- Tibetische Autoren über indische Einflüsse in der lamaistischen medizinischen Literatur -- Санскритские Поэтиуеские Термины И Стили В Монгоьской Поэзии XIV В -- 4.2. Sanskrit in South East Asia -- Some Traces of the Theory of rasa in Malay Classical Literature. Remarks on the Problem of Hindu-Moslem Synthesis -- Die Entwicklung des Sanskrit-Wortbestandes in der Bahasa Indonesia (indonesische Sprache) -- Rāmakerti — The Khmer (or Cambodian) Rāmāyaṇa -- "Prepositions" and "Conjunctions" of Bahasa Indonesia Borrowed from Sanskrit -- The Vyāsa-subhāṣita-saṃgraha. A Unique Sanskrit Anthology Prevalent also in Śrī Laṅkā and Thailand -- 4.3. Sanskrit in Europe -- La résonnance de la pensée indienne dans la culture roumaine -- British Periodical Reaction to Sir William Jones's Introduction of Sanskrit Culture to the West -- From prāṇāgnihotra to Eucharist -- The Connection between the Pañcatantra and Cervantes' Dialogue of the Dogs -- Indian Influence In Danish Literature -- Tantrismus und Europäisches Naturgefühl -- Mahābhārata Motifs in Classical Greek and Latin Sources -- Contribution of Leon Cyboran (1928-1977) to the Study of Philosophy of Yoga -- 5. Linguistics -- 5.1. General and Comparative Linguistics -- Les Sanskrits et les procédés d'hiérophanisation par le langage -- A Critical Examination of Grermano-Indo-Aryan Isoglosses and Their Significance for the Reconstruction of Indo-European Culture -- Die aktuelle Bedeutung der Indologie für die Sprachwissenschaft -- Desemantization and Grammaticalization of Sanskrit sodara/sodarī in the Bahasa Indonesia -- 5.2. Descriptive and Historical Grammar of Sanskrit -- Zur Vorgeschichte der altindischen reduplizierten Verbaladjektive auf -i -- A Collection of Sentences for the Student of Sanskrit -- Zu den ai. Nominalstämmen auf -añc-. Eine Erwiderung mit methodologischen Bemerkungen -- The Problem of Visarga -- Sanskrit und Sprachstatistik -- 5.3. Sanskrit Lexicon -- Ein etymologischer Beitrag zum Vedischen: ūrú- -- La racine sanscrite kamp à la lumière des faits iraniens -- Sanskrit kapi and kareṇu -- Die Brennlinse im alten Indien -- Some Problems of the Sanskrit Terminology of Agriculture -- 5.4. Middle Indo-Aryan -- Grammatical Incorrections, Stylistic Choices, Linguistic Trends —With Reference to Middle Indo-Aryan -- Nirguṇ Literature-Lexicographical Difficulties -- Die Entwicklung des Verbums vom Altindischen zum Päli -- Inscriptions in Hybrid Sanskrit from Gilgit and from Laghmān -- The Dialectal Variety of Middle Indo-Aryan -- Early Brajbhāṣā Morphology. Some Pronominal Characteristics -- 5.5. Indian Grammar and Lexicography -- Bhartṛharis Begriff der Wirksamkeit (kriyā). Einige Gedanken zum Thema, ausgehend von Vākyapadīya III.8.21 -- Eine Handschrift von Venīdattas Pañcatattvaprakāśa aus dem 17. Jahrhundert -- Sanskrit Semantics. Its Development and Evaluation -- Some Pāṇinian Roots Which are Used Only in European and Persian Languages -- 6. Philosophy and Religion -- 6.1. Veda -- Prayogaratna of Nrsimhayajvan. Manuscript Notes -- The Comparative Antiquity of Indra and Varuna -- The Cosmic, Cyclical Dying (parimara). Aitareya Brāhmaṇa 8,28 and Kauṣītaki Upaniṣad 2,11-15 -- Textkritische Bemerkungen zum Cāturmāsya-Abschnitt des Vārāha-Śrautasūtra -- Vedic kṛtyā́ and the Terminology of Magic -- Textkritisches zur Paippalāda-Samhitā -- The Cow Sacrifice in the Tradition of India as Referred to by Kālidāsa -- On Death and Other Subjects in the Rgveda -- Acchāvākīya und potra — ein Vergleich -- Paippalāda-Saṃhitā-the Orissan Recension of the Atharvaveda. Some Observations -- Bemerkungen zu den vedischen Metaphern und Identifikationen -- Treatment of Gods in the Vedas. A Psychological Study of the Notion of Devatva -- 6.2. Buddhism and Jainism -- Jīwa and ajīva -- Some Remarks on the Pratītyasamutpāda -- The Works of Nāgārjuna in Sanskrit -- Genesis of Milinda-Pañha -- 6.3. Hinduism -- The Pāśupatas as seen by the Śaivas -- The Theory of Creation an Advaita Vedantic Interpretation -- The Concept of Yoga in the Bhagavadgītā -- Pātañjala-Yoga-Sūtras and Psychic Science. A New Approach to Arrive at the True Meanings of Yogic Siddhis -- From Bhakti to Prapatti—The Theory of Grace in the Pāñcarātra System -- Some Observations on the Śaiva Kula System -- Vikalpa as Defined by Vijñānabhiksu in the Yogavārttika -- Classical Sāṃkhya about the Ultimate Elements of the Material World -- Trilocana — A Forgotten Naiyāyika -- 7. Natural Sciences and Medicine -- Tradition of Rationalist Medicine in Ancient India. Case for a Critical Analysis of the Caraka-saṃhitā -- Some Emendations to the Text of Ravigupta's Siddhasāra -- Études āyurvédiques. II. Déontologie módicale et orthodoxie brahmanique -- Some Highlights of Astronomy and Mathematics in Medieval India -- Mathematical Knowledge in the Epoch of the Harappa Culture — On the Materials from the Excavations in Lothal -- 8. Poetry -- 8.1. Epics Including Purānas -- Purānic Attempts to Fix a Purānic Canon -- Sanskrit Epic Tradition. II. The avātara Accounts of Rāma -- Textual Layers of the Bhagavadgītā as Traces of Indian Cultural History -- Über die altindischen Epen -- Oral Tradition as Reflected in the Great Epics -- 8.2. Classical Poetry -- Some Remarks about the Mudrārāksasa of Viśākhadatta -- Zum Problem des Tragischen — untersucht am Hauptkonflikt des Dramas Uttarāramacaritam von Bhavabhūti -- Bhartrhari Problem in Contemporary Indology -- Jīvānandanam—A Medico-Literary Drama -- 8.3. Narrative Literature -- Folktales in Prakrit Literature -- 8.4. Indian Poetics -- The Indian Theory of anaucitya in Aesthetic Relish -- Concept of Obscenity (aślīlatā) in Sanskrit Poetics -- Essai de lecture d'un poème sanskrit -- 9. Archaeology and Art History -- Weltbilder und indo-iranische Architekturformen -- Symbolism of mithuna Sculptures. An Inquiry into the Intellectual Background of Their Patrons, Artists and Worshippers -- The Garland of Letters (Varnamālā). Remarks on the Symbolism of Kālī -- Archäologische Tradition indischer Volkskunst -- Entwicklung und Tradition indischer Terrakottaplastik -- Mathurā und die Herausbildung des Gupta-Stils -- On the Structure of rta and brahman (brahmodya) -- A Unique Image of Umā—Maheśvara -- Das Rāmāyaṇa in der indischen Volkskunst. Anmerkungen zu einer Bildrolle aus Midnapur -- Gānasopāna — a Work on Indian Classical Music by Shri Gulābrao Mahārāja -- Plates |
Format: | Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web. |
ISBN: | 9783112320945 9783110636925 |
DOI: | 10.1515/9783112320945 |
Access: | restricted access |
Hierarchical level: | Monograph |
Statement of Responsibility: | ed. by Wolfgang Morgenroth. |