Charaka Samhita
The ''Charaka Samhita'' (, “Compendium of ''Charaka''”) is a Sanskrit text on Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine). Along with the ''Sushruta Samhita'', it is one of the two foundational texts of this field that have survived from ancient India. It is one of the three works that constitute the Brhat Trayi.The text is based on the Agnivesha Samhitā, an older encyclopedic medical compendium by Agniveśa. It was revised by Charaka between 100 BCE and 200 CE and renamed ''Charaka Samhitā''. The pre-2nd century CE text consists of 8 books and 120 chapters. It describes ancient theories on the human body, etiology, symptomology and therapeutics for a wide range of diseases. The ''Charaka Samhita'' also includes sections on the importance of diet, hygiene, prevention, medical education, and the teamwork of a physician, nurse and patient necessary for recovery to health. Provided by Wikipedia
Published: 2000
Superior document: Caraka-Saṃhitā Agniveśa's treatise : (text with English translation) Vol. 2
Published: 1981-
Superior document: Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda series 36
Published: 1877
Published: 1998
Superior document: Caraka-Saṃhitā Agniveśa's treatise : (text with English translation) Vol. 1
Published: 1999
Superior document: Caraka-Saṃhitā Agniveśa's treatise : (text with English translation) Vol. 3
Published: 1997
Superior document: Caraka-Saṃhitā Agniveśa's treatise : (text with English translation) Vol. 4