Jean Chevalier
Jean Chevalier (1906–1993) was a French writer, philosopher, and theologian, best known for his co-authorship of the ''Dictionnaire des symboles'' (''Dictionary of Symbols''), first printed in 1969 by publisher Éditions Robert Laffont.''Dictionary of Symbols'' is an encyclopedic work of cultural anthropology, co-written with the French poet and Amazonian explorer Alain Gheerbrant, devoted to the symbolism of myths, dreams, habits, gestures, shapes, figures, colors and numbers found in mythology and folklore. It contains over 1,600 articles and has seen nineteen reprints between 1982 and 1997. It has been republished on a worldwide basis by Penguin Books and others.
Up to 1964, Chevalier worked at UNESCO as Director of the Bureau of Relations for Member States before resigning to pursue writing and research. Provided by Wikipedia
Published: An, X.-, 1802
Superior document: Voyage De La Troade Fait dans les années 1785 et 1786 Tome Premier
Published: An, X.-, 1802
Superior document: Voyage De La Troade Fait dans les années 1785 et 1786 Tome Troisième
Published: An, X.-, 1802
Superior document: Voyage De La Troade Fait dans les années 1785 et 1786 Tome Second
Published: An, VIII., (1800.)
Superior document: Voyage De La Propontide Et Du Pont-Euxin Avec la Carte générale de ces deux mers, la description topographique de leurs rivages; le Tableau des mœurs, des usages et du commerce des peuples qui les habitent; la Carte particulière de la Plaine de Brousse en Bithynie, celle du Bosphore de Thrace, et celle de Constantinople accompagnée de la description des Monumens anciens et modernes de cette Capitale Tome Premier
Other Authors:
“...Chevalier, Jean...”
Published: 1978;, 1978
Published: 2016;, 2016.
Published: 2021.