During his successful traineeship at the „Research Group Epigraphy“ last year, Flavio Santini (graduate of the Università di Pisa and at present student of the University of Berkeley) not only helped to see through and identify more than 2000 schedae of Ephesian inscriptions by Josef Keil and Rudolf Heberdey, he also took part in ‘hands-on sessions’ with squeezes and by the way brought his German almost to perfection. This year Flavio therefore joins Vera’s epigraphic sub-project again in order to jointly revise an inscription found re-used in the Byzantine Aqueduct: thanks to the generous support by the Museum of Selçuk during the campaign in 2019 it was possible to make a new and much better squeeze of the honorary inscription for Herennius Rufus first seen by Otto Benndorf in the year 1895 (I.Ephesos 664B). The reading of the last 16 lines of the text can therefore be improved considerably and will be contextualized and thoroughly commented in a joint paper. The overall purpose is of course to determine, whether Herennius had a connexion to the Artemision or the cult of Artemis.