Nationality Austrian
Date of Birth 22.10.1957
University degrees
University degrees
1991 Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany
1984 Graduation in Electrical Engineering (Diplom Ingenieur) at the Technical University, Vienna
Academic activities
Academic activities
Since 2001 Member of the Commission for Clean Air of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Present position
Present position
Since 2003 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, co-leader of IIASA’s Greenhouse Gas Initiative, responsible for the coordination of all greenhouse gas related research activities at the Institute
Since 1991 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Leader of IIASA’s Transboundary Air Pollution Project
Previous occupations
Previous occupations
1986-1990 Research Scholar, Acid Rain Project, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
1984-1985 Research Assistant, Institute for Energy Economics, Technical University, Vienna, Austria
Other professional activities
Other professional activities
Since 2004 Lead author for the Working Group III report of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Since 2003 Member of the Scientific Oversight Committee of the APHENA "Air Pollution and Health, A European and North American Approach" project of the Health Effects Institute (HEI, Boston, USA)
Since 1999 Head of the Centre for Integrated Assessment Modeling of the EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation) Programme of the UN/ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Since 2001 Member of the Editorial Board of "Environmental Modelling and Software"
2000-2003 Reviewer of the AFO2000 German Atmospheric Research Programme
1997-2002 Scientific member of the Environmental Assessment Group of EUROTRAC-II
1990 Invited reviewer for the United States Acid Deposition Research Program NAPAP SOS/T26 - Methods for Modeling Future Emissions and Control Costs
English – fluent
German – mother tongue
Main research activities
Main research activities
Since 2003 Leading the development of an integrated assessment model for the control of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution
Since 2000 Leading the development of an integrated assessment model for fine particulate matter in Europe. Policy analysis of the model and overall responsibilities for the coordination of modelling activities for the ‘Clean Air for Europe’ programme of the European Commission
Since 1999 Organizer of the Model Intercomparison Study of Atmospheric Long-range Transport Models in Asia (MICS-Asia)
1999. Development of an integrated assessment model for tropospheric ozone in Europe. Application for the negotiations on the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Gothenburg, December 1999) and for the proposal of European Commission on a Directive on National Emission Ceilings (July 1999).
Since 1991 Principal investigator of a variety of studies funded by the European Commission DG-ENV (Environment), European Commission DG-XII (Research), European Environment Agency, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, United Nations Environment Programme, and for the Environment Ministries and/or Environmental Agencies of Austria, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
1991-2000 Consultant for the UN/ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Geneva) and Argonne National Laboratory (USA)
1991-2000 Development of an integrated assessment model for acid rain in South-east Asia (RAINS-Asia). Project funded by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. Responsible for the integration of research results and databases from about 40 scientific institutions in Asia and the West. Interactive software package (PC-based) developed at IIASA is available for general distribution (700 copies distributed in Asia).
1994-1997 Study on ‘Global Energy Supply and Demand and Their Environmental Effects’, funded by the Central Research Institute of the Electric Power Industry, Japan
1992-1994 Application of the RAINS-Europe model in the political negotiation process leading to the Second Sulphur Protocol under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution; the final obligations adopted in the protocol are based on scenario calculations with the RAINS model.
1992-1994 Studies on the linkage of national energy flow optimization models with integrated assessment models, funded by the German Environmental Agency, the Netherlands Ministry for Environment and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (principle investigator).
1986-1991 Development of the RAINS-Europe model for acidification. Responsibility for the energy/emissions/control technology/costs module, since 1991 overall responsibility as a project leader. More than 200 copies of the model (PC-based) have been sold to ministries, research institutions and universities.
1984-1985 Modeling energy-economy interactions for Austria (linkage of energy optimization model with a dynamic I/O model of the Austrian economy)
Individual research projects
Individual research projects
2003 Organizer of the Workshop on "Linkages and synergies between regional and global emission controls" of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling of the UN/ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.
2003 Study on the Development of the Baseline and Policy Scenarios and Integrated Assessment Modelling Framework for the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) Programme (DG-ENV)
2003 Extension of the RAINS model to include cost curves for greenhouse gas emissions (Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Netherlands)
2002 Quantification of emission control options for air pollutants and greenhouse gases from agricultural activities (Norwegian Ministry for the Environment)
2002 Further Development of European Scale Integrated Assessment Modelling (UK Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs DEFRA)
2002 Quantification of emission control options for air pollutants and greenhouse gases from agricultural activities (Norwegian Ministry for the Environment)
2001 Preparatory Actions in the Public Health and Environmental Policy Sector – LOT 10 Air pollution (DG-ENV);
2001 Assessment of Emission Reduction Strategies for Achieving Environmental Targets (German Environmental Agency/Umweltbundesamt Berlin, Germany)
1999 Service Contract relating to Council and EP discussions on the proposal for a directive on national ceilings for certain pollutants (DG-ENV)
1999 Study on the 'Economic Evaluation of a Directive on Emission Ceilings for Certain Pollutants, for DG-XI.
1998 Study on the ‘Economic Evaluation of Air Quality Targets for Tropospheric Ozone’ (principal investigator), for DG-XI.
1997 Study on the ‘Application of the EU Energy and Emission Standards to the Central and Eastern European Countries’ for the European Environment Agency (principal investigator)
1997. Scientific organizer of the UN/ECE Workshop on ‘Integrated Assessment Modeling for Multi-pollutant/Multi-effect Abatement Strategies’ (Laxenburg, Austria) for the heads of delegations to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
1997 Participation in the study on the ‘Economic Assessment of Priorities for an European Environmental Policy Plan’ (together with the Institute for National Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands, the Centre for Social and Environmental Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE), UK, the University of Athens, etc.), for DG-XI.
1996 Participation in the study on the ‘Economic Evaluation of the Air Quality Targets for SO2, NO2, Lead and Particulates’ (together with the Free University Amsterdam and the Norwegian Institute for Air Research), for DG-XI
1996-1997 Study on ‘Cost-effective Control of Acidification and Ground-level Ozone’ for the European Commission, DG-XI (principal investigator) for the EU acidification and ozone strategies
1995 Invited reviewer for the US Integrated Assessment Model for Acid Rain (TAF)
1995 Study on the ‘Effectiveness of International Financial Instruments for Environmental Investments in CEE Countries: Recipients’ Perspective’, funded by the Austrian Ministry of the Environment and the UK Department of the Environment.
1994 Scientific organizer of the UN/ECE Workshop on ‘Restructuring Energy Systems - Implication for Air Pollution’ (December 1994, Prague, Czech Republic.
1994 Member of the organizing committee for the International Conference on ‘Economic Instruments for Air Pollution Control’, October 1994, Laxenburg, Austria
1993 Study on the Emissions of Air Pollutants in the Region of the Central European Initiative 1988 (the first comprehensive inventory of SO2, NOx and particulate emissions for Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia), funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment (principle investigator).
1992 Study on ‘Trading of emission reduction commitments for sulphur dioxide in Europe’. Study carried out for the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment (principle investigator).
1992 Feasibility study on emission inventory tools for urban areas in less developed countries, funded by UNEP (principle investigator)
1991-1992 Participation in a comparison of three integrated assessment models for acid rain in Europe, funded by the Commission of the European Communities
1991 Scientific organizer of the UN/ECE Workshop on Exploring European Sulphur Abatement Strategies (June 1991, IIASA). The workshop was organized for the heads of delegations to provide a possibility to familiarize themselves with the practical features of integrated assessment models
Selected Scientific Publications
Selected Scientific Publications
Carmichael G., Streets D., Calori G., Ueda H., Amann M. Changing Trends in Sulfur Emissions and Deposition in Asia. Environmental Science & Technology, October 2002.
Klimont Z., Amann M. (2002) European control strategy for fine particles: the potential role of agriculture. Landbauforschung Völkenrode 235, pp. 29-35.
Boudri J.C., Hordijk L., Kroeze C., Amann M., Cofala J., Bertok I., Junfeng. Li, Dai Lin, Zhen Shuang, Hu Runquin, Panwar T.S., Gupta S., Singh D., Kumar A., Vipradas M.C., Dadhich P., Prasad N.S., Srivastava (2002) The potential contribution of renewable energy in air pollution abatement in China and India. Energy Policy 30(2002) 409-424
Carmichael G.R., Calori G., Hayami H., Uno I., Cho S.Y., Engardt M., Kim S.B., Ichikawa Y., Ideda Y., Woo J.H., Ueda H., Amann M. (2002) The MICS-Asia study: model intercomparison of long-range transport and sulfur deposition in East Asia. Atmospheric Environment (in press)
Amann M. (2001) Emission inventories, emission control options and control strategies: An overview of recent developments. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (2001) pp. 43-50
Johansson M., Alveteg M., Amann M., Bak J., Bartnicki J., Ekquist M., Forsius M., Frohn L., Geernaert G., Gimeno B., Guardans R. (2001) Integrated Assessment Modeling of Air Pollution in Four European Countries. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (2001) pp. 175-186
Carmichael G., Hayami H., Calori G., Uno I., Cho S.-Y., Engardt M., Kim S.-B., Ichikawa Y., Ikeda Y., Ueda H., Amann M. (2001) Model Intercomparison Study of Long Range Transport and Sulfur Deposition in East Asia. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (2001), pp. 51-62
Syri S., Amann M., Capros P., Mantzos L., Cofala J., Klimont Z. (2001) Low CO2 energy pathways and regional air pollution in Europe. Energy Policy 29 (2001) pp. 871-884
Klimont Z., Cofala J., Schöpp W., Amann M., Streets D.G., Ichikawa Y., Fujita S. (2001) Projections of SO2, NOx, NH3 and VOC emissions in East Asia up to 2030. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (2001) pp. 193-198
Syri S., Amann M., Schöpp W., Heyes C. (2001) Estimating long-term population exposure to ozone in urban areas of Europe. Environmental Pollution 113 (2001), pp. 59-69
Ichikawa Y., Hayami H., Sugiyama T., Amann M., Schöpp W. (2001) Forecast of sulfur deposition in Japan for various energy supply and emission control Scenarios. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (2001) pp. 301-306
Amann M, Johansson M., Lükewille A., Schöpp W., ApSimon H., Warren R., Gonzales T., Tarrason L., Tsyro S. (2001) An integrated assessment model for fine particulate matter in Europe. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (2001) pp. 223-228
Amann, M., Makowski, M. (2000) Assessment of Air Quality. In: A. Wierzbicki, M. Makowski, J. Wessels (eds.) Model-Based Decision Support Methodology With Environmental Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
Shah J., Nagpal T., Johnson T., Amann M., Carmichael G., Foell W., Green C., Hettelingh J.-P., Hordijk L., Jao J., Chao P., Pu Y., Rammankutty R., Streets D. (2000) Integrated analysis of acid rain in Asia: Policy implications and results of the RAINS-Asia model. In: Socolow R., Anderspn D., Harte J. (Eds.) Annual Review of Energy and the Environment. pp. 339-376, Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, USA.,
Amann, M., Lutz, M. (2000) The Revision of the Air Quality Legislation in the European Union Related to Ground-level Ozone. Journal of Hazardous Materials Vol. 78 (1-3), pp. 42-62.
Amann, M. (2000) Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution: Problem and Policy Options in Europe. In: Welfens et al. (eds.): Internationalization of the Economy, Environmental Problems and New Policy Options, Potsdam, Germany. Springer Verlag
Amann, M., Bertok, I., Cofala J., Gyarfas, F., Heyes, C., Klimont, Z., Makowski, M., Schöpp, W., Syri, S. (2000) Economic Evaluation of a Directive on National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants. European Communities
Amann, M., Cofala, J., Heyes, C., Klimont, Z., Schöpp, W. (1999) The RAINS Model: A Tool for Assessing Regional Emission Control Strategies in Europe. Pollution Atmosphérique 4(1999), Paris, France.
Tuinstra W., Hordijk L., Amann M. (1999) Using Computer Models in International Negotiations. The Case of Acidification in Europe. Environment 41(9)
Schöpp W., Amann M., Cofala J., Heyes C., Klimont Z. (1999) Integrated Assessment of Europe Air Pollution Emission Control Strategies. Environmental Modeling and Software 14(1)
Streets D., Carmichael G., Amann M., Arndt R. (1999) Energy Consumption and Acid Deposition in Northeast Asia. Ambio 28(2)
Amann M., Heyes C., Makowski M., Schöpp W. (1999) An Optimization Model for Regional Air Quality Modeling. ISBN 1-56555-162-1 Proceedings of the 1999 Mission Earth Conference, Society for Computer Simulation International.
Cofala, J., Kurz, R., Amann, M. (1999) Prospects and scenarios No. 1. Environment and European enlargement: Air emissions. Environmental Issues Series no. 8, March 1999, European Environment Agency. ISBN 92-9167-118-5.
Amann, M., Bertok, I., Cofala, J., Gyarfas, F., Heyes, C., Klimont, Z., Schöpp, W. (1999) Integrated Assessment Modelling for the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone in Europe. Publications Series Air and Energy no. 132, Netherlands Ministry for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Hague, Netherlands.
Amann M., Bertok I., Cofala J., Gyarfas F., Heyes C., Klimont Z., Makowski M., Schöpp W., Shibayev S. (1998) Cost-effective Control of Acidification and Ground-level Ozone. ISBN 92-828-4346-7, European Communities.
Olsthoorn X., Dorland K., Jansen H., van Drunen M., Bartonova A., Chelnch-Aas J., Guerreiro C., Henriksen J., Larssen S., Pacyna J., Amann M. (1998) Economic Evaluation of Air Quality Targets for Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Fine and Suspended Particulate Matter and Lead. ISBN 92-828-3063-2, European Communities.
Amann, M., Baldi, M., Heyes, C., Klimont, Z., Schöpp, W. (1996) Integrated Assessment of Emission Control Scenarios Including the Impact of Tropospheric Ozone. Water, Air and Soil Pollution.
Amann M., Cofala J., Dörfner P., Gyarfas F., Schöpp W. (1996) Impacts of energy scenarios on regional acidification. World Energy Council: Local & Regional Energy-Related Issues
Foell, W., Green, C., Amann, M., Bhattacharya, S., Carmichael, G. (1996) Energy use, emissions and air pollution reduction strategies in Asia. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 1996.
Amann M. (1996) Strategies for Reducing Emissions of Air Pollutants in Europe: The Role of Integrated Assessment. Keynote lecture. Proceedings of the 10th World Clean Air Congress, Espoo, Finland
Amann, M., Klaassen, G. (1995) Cost-effective Strategies for Reducing Nitrogen Deposition in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management, 43, pp. 289-311.
Altman, A., Amann, M., Klaassen, G., Schöpp, W., Ruszynski, A. (1995) Cost-effective sulfur emission reduction under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research,
Amann, M., Hordijk, L., Klaassen, G., Schöpp, W. (1994) Reductions of sulfur emissions in Europe: A combination of the "Best Available Technology" concept and the "critical loads" approach. In: Van Ierland (ed.): International Environmental Economics - Theories and Applications to Climatic Change, Acidification and International Trade, pp. 265-292. Elsevier Science.
Amann, M. (1994) Comments on the Baltic/Nordic Cooperation. In: Hoell, O. (ed.) Environmental Cooperation in Europe: The political dimension. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
Klaassen, G., Ffrsund, F., Amann, M. (1994) Emission trading in Europe with an exchange rate. Environmental and Resource Economics 4: 305-330.
Klimont, Z., Amann, M., Cofala, J., Gyarfas, F., Klaassen, G., Schöpp, W. (1994) An emission inventory for the Central European Initiative 1988. Atmospheric Environment Vol. 28(2) pp. 235-246.
Rentz, O., Haasis, H.-D., Jattke, A., Russ, P., Wietschel, M., Amann, M. (1994) Influence of energy supply structure on emission reduction costs. Energy Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 641-651.