Beitrag in Fachzeitschriften oder Sammelwerken (peer-review)
Berger, Torsten W.; Muras, Alexander (2016) Predicting recovery from acid rain using the micro-spatial heterogeneity of soil columns downhill the infiltration zone of beech stemflow: introduction of a hypothesis. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2:154, DOI: 10.1007/s40808-016-0205-8 [Link]
Berger, Torsten W.; Türtscher, Selina; Berger, Pétra; Lindebner, Leopold (2016) A slight recovery of soils from Acid Rain over the last three decades is not reflected in the macro nutrition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) at 97 forest stands of the Vienna Woods. Environmental Pollution 216 p.624-635, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.06.024 [OPEN ACCESS]
Bruckman, Viktor J.; Terada, Toru; Fukuda, Kenji; Yamamoto, Hirokazu; Hochbichler, Eduard (2016) Overmature periurban Quercus-Carpinus coppice forests in Austria and Japan: a comparison of carbon stocks, stand characteristics and conversion to high forest. European Journal of Forest Research 135(5) p.857-869. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-016-0979-2 [Link]
Kühn, Michael; Ask, Maria; Juhlin, Christopher; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Kempka, Thomas; Martens, Sonja (2016) Interdisciplinary Approaches in Resource and Energy Research to Tackle the Challenges of the Future. Energy Procedia, vol. 97, pp. 1-6. [OPENACCESS]
Sonstige wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Bruckman, Viktor J.; Haruthaithanasan, Maliwan; Kraxner, Florian; Miller, Raymond; Darabant, Andras; Choumnit, Gnhoung; Thongmanivong, Sithong, Ko-Ko-Gyi, Memh; Houng, Ho-Thi-Lan; Supamitmongkol, Warawut (2016) ACMECS Bioenergy 2015: Two years of effort towards a regional bioenergy network. In: Bruckman, Viktor J. (series ed.) KIOES Opinions No. 5. Vienna, Austria: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. DOI: 10.1553/KIOESOP_005 [Link].
Bruckman, Viktor J.; Apaydın-Varol, Esin; Uzun, Bașak B. and Liu, Jay (eds.) (2016). Biochar: A regional Supply Chain Approach in View of Climate Change Mitigation. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. (416 Seiten, 18 Kapitel, 94 S/W-Illus.. 22 Farbillus. 37 Tabellen)
Ask, Maria; Bruckman, Viktor; Juhlin, Chris; Kempka, Thomas; Kühn, Michael (eds.) (2016) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 – Division Energy, Resources and Environment, EGU 2015. [OPENACCESS]
Nicolescu, Norocel V.; Hochbichler, E.; Bruckman, Viktor J. (2016) Sustainable biomass potentials from coppice forests for pyrolysis: chances and limitations. In: Bruckman, Viktor J.; Liu, Jay; Uzun, Basak and Varol, Esin (eds.) Biochar: A regional Supply Chain Approach in View of Climate Change Mitigation. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Bruckman, Viktor J.; Klinglmüller, Michaela; Milenković, Milutin (2016) Biochar in the View of Climate Change Mitigation: The FOREBIOM Experience. In: Bruckman, Viktor J.; Liu, Jay; Uzun, Basak and Varol, Esin (eds.) Biochar: A regional Supply Chain Approach in View of Climate Change Mitigation. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Bruckman, Viktor J.; Haruthaithanasan, Maliwan (2016) Biomass Today and Future Perspectives from Global Perspective to a Local Application in the ACMECS Countries. In: Dhawan, A. K.; Chauhan, S.; Peshin, R.; Risam, K. S. (eds.) Souvenir Indian Ecological Society: International Conference 2016, Natural Resource Management: Ecological Perspectives, pp 28-31. [Link]