Traill 1987: D. Traill, Gold armor for bronze and the concept of compensatory τιμή, Summary in AAPhA 1987 101.
  • type-scene, Gesellschaft, Timé
  • Il. 6,230-236

    Traill 1989: D. Traill, Unfair to Hector ?, Summary in AAPhA 1989 115.

  • Ilias-Handlung, Rezeption (narr.)

    Traill 1989a: D. Traill, Gold armor for bronze and Homer’s use of compensatory τιμή, CPh 84 1989 301-305.

  • type-scene, Gesellschaft, Timé
  • Il. 6,230-236

    Traill 1990: D. A. Traill, Unfair to Hector ?, CPh 85 1990 299-303.

  • Hektor, Ilias-Handlung, Rezeption (narr.)