Bakker 1988: E. J. Bakker, Linguistics and formulas in Homer. Scalarity and the description of the particle ,per‘ [ndrld. Zus.], Amsterdam Benjamins 1988 x & 313 p. 2 indices.
  • Formeln, Formelsprache, Sprache
  • περ
  • Hainsworth Kratylos 37 1992 195-197, Hart CR 40 1990 84-86, Klein StudLang 15 1991 209-213, Meier-Brügger Gnomon 62 1990 270-271, Slings Mnemosyne 45 1992 400- 403

    Bakker 1988a: E. J. Bakker, Long diphthongs and hiatus in early Greek epic. Phonology and the role of formulaic diction, Mnemosyne 41 1988 1-26.

  • Formelsprache, Sprache

    Bakker 1990: E. J. Bakker, Homerus als orale poëzie. De recente ontwikkelingen [engl. Zus.], Lampas 23 1990 384-405.

  • Formeln, Forschungsüberblick, Oral-poetry

    Bakker 1990a: E. J. Bakker, Homeric discourse and enjambment. A cognitive approach, TAPhA 120 1990 1-21.

  • Formeln, Formelsprache, Metrik

    Bakker 1991: E. J. Bakker / F. Fabbricotti, Peripheral and nuclear semantics in Homeric diction. The case of dative expressions for spear, Mnemosyne 44 1991 63-84.

  • Formeln

    Bakker 1992: E. J. Bakker / N. Van den Houten, Aspects of synonymy in Homeric diction. An investigation of dative expressions for "spear", CPh 87 1992 1-13.

  • Formeln, Formelsprache