Former Director and Founder of the Acoustics Research Institute

Links: wad's Psychoacoustic Homepage, Psychoacoustic Terminology


Academic Background

Werner A. Deutsch received his Ph.D. (dissertation topic: "Die Lateralisation von akustischen Klicks in Abhängigkeit von interauraler Zeitdifferenz") in psychology and physiology from the University of Vienna in 1974. He joined the (then) Acoustics Research Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 1976 and went on to become the Director of the Acoustics Research Institute.

Teaching and Research

W. A. Deutsch is qualified as an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department of the University of Vienna. He gives lectures on Psychoacoustics and Acoustical Phonetics at the University of Vienna. He is also a consultant to various industry and government organizations. His current interests are speaker recognition, auditory perception, man-machine communication, sound analysis and re-synthesis, restoration of historical recordings, digital audio networks, and desktop audio workstations.


W. A. Deutsch has published more than 50 papers in the fields of psychoacoustics, speech and music, speaker recognition, digital audio, and signal processing.

Professional societies and activities

W. A. Deutsch is a founding member of the AES Austrian Section and acted as Papers Chairman of the 92nd AES Convention in Vienna (1992). Additionally, he is a member of IEEE (originally: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), member of DEGA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik), vice-president of the Austrian Acoustics Association, Chairman of the Acoustics branch of the Austrian Physics Society (Fachausschuß für Akustik), and an associate member of the ASA (Acoustical Society of America) and numerous other scientific societies in the field of acoustics for speech and music.