Shah-i Mashhad

Revisited in autumn 1993

To see the photos in full size click on the images below.
The photos in this directory/folder were taken by BG in November 1993

5.00 MB
3.44 MB
1993-02_main gate right inner side.jpg
1993-02_main gate right inner side.jpg
3.62 MB

The above images are only thumbnail copies. If you click on them the original photo will show up, but still minimized to fit in your browser window. Users of the latest versions of Firefox or Internet Explorer can click again on the browser window in order to get the full size. For making best use of a photo we advise to download it and view it with a good graphic viewer, e.g. Irfan (for MS-Windows) or Gwenview (for Linux).

Creative Commons License.
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License .
This means the photos are free to be used, but not free to be mis-used. Please read our Legal Note.

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