Development of a particle detector on silicon carbide substrate with integrated CMOS electronics
Betreuer: Thomas Bergauer
This master thesis deals with the development of so-called "Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors" (DMAPS) using silicon carbide (SiC) as substrate material. DMAPS are novel particle detectors that combine the actual particle detector (i.e., the charge-collecting electrodes) and the CMOS-based front-end electronics in a single monolithic device, thus enabling high-resolution particle detection with low material consumption and high efficiency. This work's novelty lies in using SiC as the substrate material for the DMAPS, which offers several advantages over conventional silicon substrates, including an expected higher radiation hardness, high thermal conductivity, low leakage currents, and thus resistance to harsh environments prevalent in particle physics experiments.
The thesis includes both the design of the readout circuit using chip design software (Cadence,..) and the simulation of the charge-sensitive part using TCAD software. A realization of the designed DMAPS detector in a production run at a cooperation partner is planned. The performance of the produced prototypes will then be investigated with respect to the sensor's sensitivity and the signal-to-noise ratio, using particles from radioactive sources in the laboratory and possibly particle beams.
The results obtained in this work will demonstrate the suitability of silicon carbide for DMAPS technology and show the potential of this technology to improve the performance of monolithic active pixel sensors for a range of applications, including particle physics, medical imaging, and nuclear instrumentation.