*************************************************************************** *** History of Subjects *** Client to connect to a SQLite Database containing all subjects' details *** by Michael Mihocic and Piotr Majdak *************************************************************************** *** DEVELOPMENT STATUS *** *** v0.8.0 (09.02.2022) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: ""\\w07kfs4.kfs.oeaw.ac.at\EAP\" addresses replaced by "\\kfs.oeaw.ac.at\Fileserver\EAP\" *** v0.7.6 (09.03.2022) by Michael Mihocic - frmSubjects: ID field's sizes adapted to 4 digit IDs (NH1000 and higher) *** v0.7.5 (01.02.2022) by Michael Mihocic - frmSubjects/frmMain: upper/lower case bug fixed when creating Matlab structure - typos fixed *** v0.7.4 (25.01.2022) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: bug fixed when exporting .m files (case sensitivity) - frmMain: temporary feature: exporting .m file to another location (folder permissions) - copyright years updated *** v0.7.3 (03.05.2021) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Bug fixed when creating new database files (data fields missing) - frmMain: Stability improved when creating new database file (warnings instead of crashes) - export and creation of Subjects_Data.m improved; file name now depends on the original database file name - minor bugs fixed, some code improvements, some tooltips fixed *** v0.7.2 (15.04.2021) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: New menu items: Help -> Open Documentation Folder Help -> History of Subjects *** v0.7.1 (07.04.2021) by Michael Mihocic - frmSubjects: Bug fixed when adding new subject *** v0.7.0 (01.04.2021) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: New feature/button: Show in Explorer by ID (anonymized structure) - frmMain: New feature: Options tab (Administrator mode): root paths for non-anonymized experiment data, and for anonymized experiment data is displayed and can be modified in the software - frmSubject: new data field: Explorer Postfix, defines personal postfix for non-anonymized experimental subfolder, appended by a space and in brackets (if not empty) formula: [folder with experimental data]\[hearing type]\[FLastname] ([explorer postfix]) example: "\\server\path\NH\MMustermann (Maximilian)" - frmSubject: folders for experimental data (non-anonymized and anonymized) are displayed - frmMain: column for Explorer Postfix added - CSVParser: Performance when writing Subjects_Data.m improved - frmMain/CSVParser: Subjects_DataOld.m is not created automatically anymore (backup, old folder structure, without HRTFs subfolder in Resources) - CSVParser: Explorer Postfix considered for paths when creating Subjects_Data.m - frmMain: new feature: button to open subject's experimental directory in explorer asks if the folder should be created in case it is not existing (only if 1 subject/row is selected in table) - frmSubjects: new feature: function to import Agra results scans also anonymized directory in case non-anonymized directory is not existing - default paths adapted from \\w07kfs4\ to \\w07kfs4.kfs.oeaw.ac.at\ (more stable) *** v0.6.2 (12.03.2021) by Michael Mihocic - frmSubject: double-click feature in Matlab structure removed (buttons make it obsolete) - copyright years updated *** v0.6.1 (30.11.2020) by Michael Mihocic - frmSubject: bug fixed when closing window on second screen and re-opening it with only one screen - frmSubject: minor bugs fixed *** v0.6.0 (05.11.2020) by Michael Mihocic - Update required for database - Export to new HRTF file location implemented *** v0.5.2 (02.10.2020) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Bug fixed: default date when creating new subject is set to 01.01.1900 and not defined by MS Windows - frmMain: Default date for Phonetics sessions (when adding to vector) is defined by "today" function - frmSubjects: Buttons added to add HRTF database paths (hrtf, hrtfLAS) - frmMain: Dialogue improvements when deleting multiple subjects *** v0.5.1 (10.01.2020) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Bug fixed when pressing "Ctrl+P" (print function was removed in version 0.3.0 but shortcut was not disabled) - "Visual Imparirments" (table) and "Other Impairments" (Add/Edit Subjects form) renamed to "Impairments" - Add/Edit Subjects form: objects' sizes and positions improved - minor bugs fixed - copyright years updated *** v0.5.0 (20.09.2019) by Michael Mihocic - new icon (by Martin Lindenbeck); credits added - frmAbout: design updates - minor design updates - readme.rtf updated - copyright & license info updated *** v0.4.1 (05.08.2019) by Michael Mihocic - new feature: main window: dates can be displayed sortable (yyyy-mm-dd istead of dd.mm.yyyy), can be enabled in options; only dates that are not string-based - frmSubjects, Phonetics tab: new feature: current age can be appended by button (if known) - frmSubjects: Add Subjects ("OK" button) checks if a subject with same name is already in the database - tooltips bugs fixed - Newsletter checkbox unchecked by default *** v0.4.0 (01.08.2019) by Michael Mihocic - mandatory upgrade - new phonetics fields added in software - bug fixed when browsing database file - auto-resize columns: compact mode: loading time reduced (from 7.5s to less 1.5s when loading ~1000 subjects) - columns: columns are resized by header only (saves >3s) - rows: rows are not resized anymore (saves >3s) - copyright years updated *** v0.3.8 (23.10.2018) by Michael Mihocic - when sending emails to multiple selected subjects BCC is used by default - minor bug fixed: Background color of bottom text - update path is displayed and modifiable in Options tab (Administrator Mode) - history shows latest changes when updating - old scripts removed (export HRTF database folders) - minor display improvements, minor bugs fixed *** v0.3.7 (13.06.2018) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed when checking for updates *** v0.3.6 (04.06.2018) by Michael Mihocic - Default folder updated - Minor bugs fixed *** v0.3.5 (14.05.2018) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed: Fields trimmed when entered (spaces), not only when they are updated - Bug fixed: Button for browsing database file enabled - Copyright years and EUPL version updated *** v0.3.4 (20.04.2017) by Michael Mihocic - Unilaterally or bilaterally implanted subjects can be filtered - Filters updated (displaying only) - Bug fixed when checking for implant dates when updating subject's details *** v0.3.3 (24.01.2017) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed when creating Matlab structure and single quotas are within text fields (eg. names) - Update procedure improved - Copyright years updated *** v0.3.2 (28.12.2016) by Michael Mihocic - Minor changes in frmMain GUI *** v0.3.1 (20.10.2016) by Michael Mihocic - Mandatory upgrade, first release version of v0.3 *** v0.3.0 (07-10.2016) by Michael Mihocic - All v0.3.0.* revisions are DEBUG versions; v0.3.1 will be the first release version - New phonetics fields added in software and database - Search routine improved (CIs, HIs device and processor text search implemented) - Filters improved (gender,...) - Search text field accepts multiple words sparated by spaces (array instead of one string) - General performance improvements due to increased number of subjects (loading db should be 50% faster) - Some forms and fields in GUI renamed - frmSubjects: "no newsletter" option added to contacts tab - frmSubjects: Corresponding tab is opened directly when clicking on cell in Main form - frmMain: Preview cell is displayed between filters and datagridview - frmMain: column order changed - Backup handling improved - frmMain: print possibility disabled (troublesome and hard to maintain), please use csv-export instead and print it in any table calculation - frmMain: New feature to reset options - Several further (minor) adaptations, improvements, fixes,... - Installer improved *** v0.2.13 (19.04.2016) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed when sending emails (bug implemented in v0.2.9) *** v0.2.12 (01.2016) by Michael Mihocic - Minor changes: Object's positions improved (frmMain, frmAddSubject) *** v0.2.11 (05.01.2016) by Michael Mihocic - frmAddSubject: Text field size of 'Education' and 'Hearing Etiology' are adapted to form's size - Copyright years updated *** v0.2.10 (23.12.2015) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Export to .xls removed (not compatible with modern versions of MS Excel) Please use Export to .csv instead! - Bugs fixed *** v0.2.9 (23.12.2015) by Michael Mihocic - Storing search strings improved - New feature: Creation Date and Modification Date are stored for every subject - New feature: Check if first OPs' dates are later than last OPs' dates, if yes: a messagebox with warning message appears - Order changed in main window (email addresses <> how recruited) - Visualization improved (rows and columns resizing), 3 types of auto-resizing of column widths are available in Options: none, full and compact - Inactive subjects (if checkbox enabled) are displayed with gray font color - Stability improvements - Speed improvements when refreshing data - Tab 'Database Options' renamed to 'Options' - Minor bugs fixed *** v0.2.8 (27.08.2015) by Michael Mihocic - New feature: Auto search function in main form - Shortcut button to Options file folder added *** v0.2.7 (24.08.2015) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed: Option to remember last search string could not be disabled *** v0.2.6 (26.05.2015) by Michael Mihocic - Minor bug fixed: 'sourceforge' replaced by 'w07kfs4' in update messages *** v0.2.5 (26.03.2015) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed concerning user permissions for options file *** v0.2.4 (12.03.2015) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed: Sometimes main window was opened out of the screen and table columns' titles were empty - New feature: Check for updates (when connected to w07kfs4 server) (Help -> Check for Updates) *** v0.2.3 (21.01.2015) by Michael Mihocic - bugs fixed (tooltips) - improvement of delete-function for multiple selections - new feature bottom info box shows number of selected subjects - bug fixed in Devices tab: top split container panels fixed - minor improvements and bug fixes in main form *** v0.2.2 (07.10.2014) by Michael Mihocic - 'default' for MATLAB parameters (double-click) includes also hp database directory - new feature: import Agra results - bugs fixed for export functions - several minor bugs fixed *** v0.2.1 (19.08.2014) by Michael Mihocic - bugs fixed *** v0.2.0 (19.08.2014) by Michael Mihocic - new feature: status "inactive" added, to hide inactive subjects (not interested, not qualified, moved, ...) - several bug fixes *** v0.1.3 (14.08.2014) by Michael Mihocic - minor bug fix when adding new subject and using Ctrl+S to save *** v0.1.2 (22.05.2014) by Michael Mihocic - Export function adapted to dtfB and hrtfB - Old export functions (*256 and ARI) are not supported anymore - Crash causing bug fixed when displaying database (no data was lost) - Update procedure improved (less clicks... ;-)) *** v0.1.1 (20.01.2014) by Michael Mihocic - Default HRTF export path updated - Copyright years updated *** v0.1.0 (22.10.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Bug fixed which could cause wrong devices to be stored! -> Required update!!! - frmMain: Bug fixed: Remember sort direction - frmMain: Bug fixed when moving order in devices - frmMain: New feature: Remember last search string until next session (enable/disable with checkbox in options) - frmMain: New feature: Hide empty columns in subjects table (enable/disable with checkbox in options) - minor bugs fixed and (performance) improvements *** v0.0.23 (06.09.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmAddSubject: IBAN/BIC labels modified - frmMain: Bugs fixed when exporting HRTF databases *** v0.0.22 (26.07.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Bug fixed when (un)checking CI subjects, refresh was missing *** v0.0.21 (17.05.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: New feature when exporting HRTF database: Number of subjects and date of last update (html file creation) is displayed in html file - frmMain: New feature when exporting HRTF database: creation of zip file can be disabled *** v0.0.20 (03.05.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Export HRTF database improved and adapted to new SOFA HRTF format - minor bugs fixed/features added *** v0.0.19 (12.02.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Export HRTF database improved - EUPL license links updated - minor bugs fixed *** v0.0.18 (25.01.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmSubject: New feature: Age is displayed for valid birthdays *** v0.0.17 (18.01.2013) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain: Performance improved when exporting HRTF database - Installer: Bug fixed, required dll file for database export was not included in setup - frmMain: New feature: log file is created when exporting HRTF database - minor bugs fixed *** v0.0.16 (10.01.2013) by Michael Mihocic - New feature for Administrator: Export anonymized HRTF database - Add/Edit subject: New feature when double clicking in "Additional MATLAB structure parameters" default value can be set - MATLAB export: slash replaced by filesep (UNIX compatibility) - new recommended release *** v0.0.15 (22.06.2012) by Michael Mihocic - Minor change: EUPL links and Copyright years updated *** v0.0.14 (10.05.2012) by Michael Mihocic - CSVParser: MATLAB export improved for unix systems *** v0.0.13 (08.02.2012) by Michael Mihocic - Script "Subjects_Data.m" (generated automatically when editing subjects) now working on Unix systems *** v0.0.12 (04.01.2012) by Michael Mihocic - Setup installer added - New feature: Database extension ".db" added *** v0.0.11 (21.10.2011) by Michael Mihocic - Due to compatiblity reasons to SQLite the application is always compiled for x86 CPUs (Application IS running on Win7 64bit as well!) - Script described ad v0.0.10 (create MATLAB structure) is generated only when new subjects are added or existing subjects are modified. Not every time the application is closed! *** v0.0.10 (21.10.2011) by Michael Mihocic - frmMain/CSVParser: New feature: Export script to create MATLAB structure SQLite Database Browser used to add column: "ALTER TABLE subjects ADD matlabparameters TEXT" Script will create MATLAB structure automatically when Subjects is closed - New Feature: new entry in database and forms: "MATLAB parameters" - Several minor improvements and bugs fixed *** v0.0.9 (26.01.2011) by Michael Mihocic - License added: EUPL 1.1 (http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl) - frmMain: Bug fixed: Send E-Mail - frmMain: New feature: Menu: File -> Create New Database: create empty database *** v0.0.8 (19.01.2011) by Michael Mihocic - frmAddSubject: Bug fixed: Add Subject: Radio buttons were disabled - frmMain: Minor bug fixed: 2 buttons: background color in WinXP theme was not correct - New Feature: 2 new entries in database and forms: "Phonetics ID" and "Education" - frmMain/Options: New feature: Full screen status saved in options file *** v0.0.7 (22.12.2010) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed: hyperlinks on "About Form" fixed - frmAddSubject: Bug fixed: Show automatically Primary Keys as administrator disabled - some debug functions removed *** v0.0.6 (21.12.2010) by Michael Mihocic - New feature: "Auto-refresh" and "Refresh at startup" checkboxes removed; auto-refresh is always enabled when database file name is set in options - New feature: when editing subject and pressing "Cancel" msgbox removed - New feature: Print subject report (2 pages) - New feature: Show subject in explorer (Directory for Main Experiments is saved in Database!!!) - New table in database: preferences (key, values) - New features: Some more shortcuts - New feature: Version check improved *** v0.0.5 (14.12.2010) by Michael Mihocic - Bug fixed: replaced "adress" by "address" (except database intern titles - for compatibility reasons) - Bug fixed: radio buttons enabled when adding new subject - Bug fixed: date compatible to Englisch operating systems - Search function improved *** v0.0.4 (03.11.2010) by Michael Mihocic - functionality extended and improved, lots of new features, lots of bugs fixed, stability improved -> - first release together with complete database, containing all subjects *** v0.0.3 (15.10.2010) by PM - First check, some proof-reading and cosmetic changes *** v0.0.2 (15.10.2010) by M. Mihocic - Several bugs fixed and stability improved *** v0.0.1 (14.10.2010) by M. Mihocic - First Release of Subjects: - A client to connect to a SQLite Database containing all subjects' details; a replacement for the old "subjects.xls" - Features: - Main form: - table containing all subjects (NH / CI / HI can be selected) - new subjects can be added and existing subjects can be deleted - button to send E-Mail to selected subject(s) - tables for devices (hearing aids, cochlear implants, CI processors) -> add/edit - database options: database location, checkbox to auto-connect when starting programm - Administrator (enable Administrator Mode with Settings -> Administrator Mode) can delete subjects & devices, can clean database (delete previously delted subjects permanently), and has several Debug options (creating new database, editing...) - Add Subjects form: add (edit) subject's data - Add Device form: add (edit) device - About form: software information (version number) - Options file system is adapted from ExpSuite project