Join our Annual Conference

We are happy that ACET 2025 is held again in an in-person format and look forward to welcoming participants in Vienna. We kindly ask you to register for the event using the form below.



Supporting Members:

€ 300 for the first participant
(includes one volume of the yearbook)

Early booking discount for registration by March 12, 2025: € 250

€ 100 for additional participants (conference only; yearbook optional at approx. € 100)


€ 600 (includes one volume of the yearbook)
Early booking discount for registration by March 12, 2025: € 500

University Staff
& Judges:


€ 150 (conference only; yearbook optional at approx. € 100)
Early booking discount for registration by March 12, 2025: € 125

Jurists in Training:

€ 75 (conference only; yearbook optional at approx. € 100)
Early booking discount for registration by March 12, 2025: € 60


Conference fees include conference materials, buffet lunch on Thursday, and refreshments during the conference.

Payment: Bank transfer to the following account

European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law
Unicredit Bank Austria, IBAN: AT92 1100 0086 4532 6300, BIC: BKAUATWW

Participants from outside the EU can pay in cash at the conference.