
Peter Zoller and colleagues present a new measuring method to identify fascinating quantum states

In Science Advances, physicists around Andreas Elben, Jinlong Yu, Peter Zoller and Benoit Vermersch now present a new measuring method that allows to identify and characterize so-called topological invariants on various experimental platforms.

Topological materials attract great interest and may provide the basis for a new era in materials development. The physicists of Peter Zoller's research group now propose measurement protocols that enable the measurement of so-called topological invariants.Topological phases cannot be identified by local measurements because of their special properties. Andreas Elben, Jinlong Yu, Peter Zoller and Benoit Vermersch in Innsbruck in close cooperation with Guanyu Zhu from the Joint Quantum Institute, Maryland, USA and IBM Research, Mohammad Hafezi (JQI Maryland) and Frank Pollmann from the Technical University of Munich are therefore developing new measurement protocols that will enable experimental physicists to characterize these states in the laboratory. They present their work in Science Advances: Many-body topological invariants from randomized measurements in synthetic quantum matter. Andreas Elben, Jinlong Yu, Guanyu Zhu, Mohammad Hafezi, Frank Pollmann, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch. Sci. Adv. 2020; 6:eaaz3666 DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aaz3666 [arXiv:1906.05011]



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