The LEO 1540XB is a dual beam focused ion beam (FIB) workstation equipped with a field emission gun (FEG). For imaging an Everhart Thornley Detector (SE-Detector) or an Inlens-Detector are available. A gas injection system (GIS) is installed and can be used for depositing thin metallic films. At Erich Schmid Institute the LEO 1540XB is mainly used to fabricate micro mechanical test specimens.
A highly focused Ga+ ion beam with typical ion energies ranging from 2 to 30 keV and a diameter of only few nanometer can be used to precisely mill almost any material. It is be used to prepare micron-sized specimens and samples for the TEM.
The electron beam (SEM) can be used to simultaneously observe and control the milling process. Furthermore, the system is attached with a gas injection system to locally deposit metal or insulator layers (Pt or W and SiOx), with a STEM detector and with a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) for chemical analysis.