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Final Sites before Deportation

Castellezgasse, Malzgasse, Kleine Sperlgasse


Amtshaus des Bezirks Leopoldstadt,
Karmelitergasse 9, 2. Stock, 1020 Wien




Letzte Orte. Die Wiener Sammellager und die Deportationen 1941/42
edited by Dieter J. Hecht, Michaela Raggam-Blesch und Heidemarie Uhl
Wien: Mandelbaum-Verlag, 2019, 264 pages, EURO 20

VIDEO documentation Letzte Orte. Letzte Zeugen 


director Frederick Baker, camera Christian Haake, cut Andreas Wappel

For further information and events see:

Kleine Sperlgasse 2a, Castellezgasse 35, Malzgasse 7 and 16 – these addresses in Vienna-Leopoldstadt are practically absent from collective memory. However, in the topography of the Shoah in Vienna and Austria, these are central locations. In 1941/42, four deportation collection camps were situated at these sites, where Jews were interned before deportation. Groups of approximately  1,000 persons each were transported from here on trucks to the Aspang Railroad Station. From February 1941 to October 1942, a total of 45 deportation trains departed for the ghettoes and death camps. The overwhelming majority of the Austrian Shoah victims were sent from the four collection camps to their death.

The path to annihilation commenced in the very center of the city. 

scientific-curatorial team:
Monika Sommer, Heidemarie Uhl
research assitant: Dieter Hecht, Michaela Raggam-Blesch
design: GABU Heindl Architektur
graphic: Fuhrer Wien

With the friendly support of:

Advisory Council for the Commemorative Year 2018
District Council Leopoldstadt
Federal Chancellery Office
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Federal Ministry of National Defence
Haus der Geschichte Österreich
National Fund of the Republic of Austria
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cultural Sciences and Theatre History
Science Funding Unit, City of Vienna, MA 7
Fund for the Future of the Republic of Austria


Scientific-curatorial team:
Monika Sommer, Heidemarie Uhl, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Scientific cooperation:
Dieter Hecht, Michaela Raggam-Blesch, Austrian Academy of Sciences
GABU Heindl Architektur – Team: Gabu Heindl, Teresa Klestorfer, Daniela Mehlich, Zara Pfeifer
Lisa Rastl
Film: Director Frederick Baker, Camera Christian Haake, Picture editor:
Andreas Wappel
Exhibition assembly and disassembly: Enrique Guitart, ACPTEAM
William Templer

With the friendly support of:

Further Partners: