Empirical insights into computer modelling and simulations in various policy areas

Computer models increasingly provide knowledge for decisions in politics and society. The project, funded by the Innovation Fund of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, reflected the role of computer-based modeling and simulation in policy advice.

Computational modelling has gained increasing relevance for supporting political and societal decision-making on a range of complex and controversial questions. However, the proliferation of computational modelling in policy advice is hardly acknowledged and reflected upon in public and scholarly debates on scientific policy advice. The project contributed to opening the ‘black box’ of modelling in policy advice and provided empirical insights into computer modelling and simulations as epistemic and political instruments and practices.

The project provided a systematic overview of the epistemic characteristics of computational modelling and simulations in different policy areas. The main modelling approaches were identified and classified along their methodological approach, scale, scope, disciplinary and institutional configurations as well as their linking to specific policy issues.

Beyond the systematic overview, the project strived for a profound understanding of how computational models and simulations are used in advisory contexts in different policy areas. Against the background of recent assaults on the authority of science, the project particularly asked how credibility and legitimacy claims are ensured in the interaction and communication between scientists, political, and societal stakeholders.

The project "CoMoPa" provided empirical insights into the inner world of modelling and simulation; it revealed how scientific evidence is produced and legitimacy maintained and how the exceptional position of scientific knowledge can be justified in the digital age.

"All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: Computational Modelling in Policy Advice" (by Richard Brautigan)



  • Bauer, A., Capari, L., Fuchs, D., & Udrea, T. (2023). Diversification, integration, and opening: developments in modelling for policy. Sci Publ Policy, 50, 977-987. doi:10.1093/scipol/scad038
  • Bauer, A., & Fuchs, D. (2023). Modeling for nano risk assessment and management: The development of integrated governance tools and the potential role of technology assessment. Tatup - Technikfolgenabschätzung. Theorie Und Praxis, Modeling for policy: Challenges for technology assessment from new prognostic methods, 18-23. doi:10.14512/tatup.32.1.18
  • Udrea, T., Capari, L., & Bauer, A. (2023). The politics of models: Socio-political discourses in modeling of energy transition and transnational trade policies. Tatup - Technikfolgenabschätzung In Theorie Und Praxis, 32, 49-55. doi:10.14512/tatup.32.1.49
  • Udrea, T., & Bauer, A. (2022). Between control and independence: computational modelling within EC's trade sustainability impact assessments. Impact Assessment And Project Appraisal, 40, 10. doi:10.1080/14615517.2022.2112811
  • Riedlinger, D. (2021). Jenseits von Wahrheitsmaschinen. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from https://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/detail/news/jenseits-von-wahrheitsmaschinen-1
  • Riedlinger, D. (2021). Die Politik im Datendschungel. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from https://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/detail/news/die-politik-im-datendschungel
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2021). Modelling which future? ITA-Dossier no. 51 (January 2021; Authors: Daniela Fuchs, Anja Bauer, Leo Capari, Tituts Udrea). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-051en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2020). Welche Zukunft modellieren? ITA-Dossier Nr. 51 (Dezember 2020; AutorInnen: Anja Bauer, Daniela Fuchs, Leo Capari, Tituts Udrea). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-051
  • Bauer, A. (2018). Politik(beratung) aus dem Computer. Gastkommentar. Apa Science-Dossier 'Die Simulierte Forschung'. Retrieved from http://science.apa.at/dossier/Politik_beratung_aus_dem_Computer/SCI_20180628_SCI79155173843097922
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Conference Papers/Speeches

Conference Papers/Speeches

  • 26/11/2019 , Brussels
    Leo Capari,  Daniela Fuchs,  Anja Bauer,  : 
    The politics of models: socio-political discourses in the modelling of energy transition and transnational trade policies; EU Conference on modelling for policy support
    EU Conference on modelling for policy support
  • 05/11/2019 , Bratislava
    Leo Capari,  Daniela Fuchs,  Anja Bauer,  : 
    New Methods for TA -Computational Content Analysis: Experiences, Potentials and Challenges
    4th European Technology Assessment Conference
  • 04/11/2019 , Bratislava
    Leo Capari,  Daniela Fuchs,  Anja Bauer,  : 
    The socio-political narratives of computer models: Insights from the modelling of trade policies, energy systems and the risks of nanotechnologies
    4th European TA conference
  • 04/11/2019 , Bratislava
    Leo Capari,  Daniela Fuchs,  Anja Bauer,  : 
    Using Automated Text Analysis Methods to Uncover Socio-Political Narratives within Computer Modelling and Simulations (CMS)
    4th European Technology Assessment Conference
  • 04/11/2019 , Bratislava
    Leo Capari,  Daniela Fuchs,  Anja Bauer,  : 
    "Limits to ... predictive power” –policy advice in the age of computational modelling
    4th European Technology Assessment Conference
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06/2018 - 05/2020

Project team
