Mini-Study on literature and institutions relevant to the care of the elderly and Ambient Assisted Living in Austria
To come up with technology that truly improves and sustains the quality of life of the elderly and fosters their autonomy, it is essential that key actors get involved early in the development level. This project aimed to identify a variety of actors who could contribute significant knowledge to a technology development program in the area of ambient assisted living.
The study aimed at identifying institutions and literature relevant to the topics of elderly care and Ambient Assisted Living in Austria. Referring to the results of the project “Participative approaches for ‘Technology and autonomous living’” (Link), it continued the search of relevant institutions in the area of elderly care in Austria. The literature survey for the period 2004-2007 covered all publicly available Austrian publications (also including research projects) or publications with an Austrian contribution within the area of care for the elderly.
06/2008 - 08/2008