
Exhibition Opening: Schulgespräche (17.09.2019)

Junge Muslim*innen in Wien (Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art)

The exhibition at the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art (Vienna) presents a video installation showing the extensive video footage of the research and exhibition project "Junge Muslim*innen in Österreich. Eine sozialanthropologisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung an Wiener Schulen" thematically processed.

The project was conceived for the Sparkling Science program, which promotes cooperation between scientific research and schools. Georg Traska and Valeria Heuberger designed the project as a cooperation of the Institute for Cultural Studies and Theater History and the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Since November 2017, they have been working together with four Viennese schools.

Project Manager: Georg Traska
Research Associate: Valeria Heuberger

Welcome: Matthias Beitl, Director of the Folklore Museum Vienna
About the exhibition: Georg Traska, curator and project manager / Valeria Heuberger, research assistant
Greetings: Michael Sörös, Education Directorate for Vienna, Member of the National Advisory Council of Sparkling Science