Mag. phil.

Caroline Hofer

Tel.   (+43 1) 515 81 – 3310
e-Mail caroline.hofer(at)



Born in Vienna. Degree in German Philology and Drama from the University of Vienna in 2003 (focus on linguistics, German as a Foreign Language and teaching literacy skills). Author of several radio dramas (Engagements with Bayerischer Rundfunk BR2, ORF Ö1 and Kunstradio, Südwestrundfunk SWR, Schweizer Radio SRF. Various awards and prizes for literary work.) Between 2005 and 2010 positions at various cultural and research facilities in Vienna (orange94.0, loop-institut für systemische Medienforschung, dieloop, EDUCULT). Since April 2010 research and administration management at the IKW.

Responsibilities at IKW

event management, webmaster (institute's website and SPRACHKUNST), public relations, social media, akademIS, communications, library, administration