The Institute of Culture Studies (IKW) is one of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ research institutes committed to cross-disciplinary basic research on socially relevant issues in the humanities, arts and social sciences. Its three research groups are engaged in research on Knowledge Production | Memory Culture | Antisemitism Studies


About the IKW

The Institute of Culture Studies (IKW) is one of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ research institutes committed to cross-disciplinary basic research on socially relevant issues in the humanities, arts and social sciences. Its three research groups are engaged in research on Knowledge Production | Memory Culture | Antisemitism Studies

Key Research Questions

The institute’s research focusses on the following lead questions: how do societies engage with their own past? Which kinds of knowledge are created, fostered, shared and preserved—and which are rejected? How is social identity constructed on the basis of shared knowledge and collective memory? What kind of exclusionary mechanisms are involved, not least in the form of antisemitism past and present? How are antisemitic codes perpetuated in collective memory? How can culture studies research help combat discrimination and social polarization?

Research Agenda:  Constructions of Identity—Forms of Interaction—Forms of Inclusion/Exclusion

The institute’s research examines the ways in which academic and non-academic statements, practices and artefacts are created, substituted, perpetuated, translated, made topical, represented and staged in the context of identity construction. The principal focus is on Austria and Central Europe and their historical and current global entanglements.

Drawing on cutting-edge culture studies theories and methodologies, historians, literary scholars, political scientists and culture studies scholars are engaged in various forms of innovative cross-disciplinary cooperation suited to generate new insights.

Research Groups

Overarching Goal

The institute’s overarching goal is the creation and the communication of internationally relevant research-based knowledge in the humanities, arts and social sciences by means of

  • Scholarly publications
  • Evidence-based political consultancy
  • Public Engagement
