Returning migrants have been involved in post-socialist transformation processes all over the European East. Engaged in politics, economy, science and education, arts and civil society, re-migrants often exerted crucial influence on state and nation-building processes and on social and cultural transformations. However, remigration is not only a story of successes, but equally one of failed integration, marginalization, non-participation and lost potentials – and it is a story mostly untold. Despite singular research on various aspects of remigration in this particular historical context, a comprehensive account and comparative discussion of its implications for post-socialist transformation are still lacking. The project aims to establish a discursive platform and to contribute to a deeper understanding of remigration, its socio-cultural impact and of traces left on the fabrics of daily life in post-socialist European regions.

The project has been completed in 2018 with the publication of the volume Remigration to Post-Socialist Europe. Hopes and Realities of Return as part of the ERSTE Foundation Series (Vol.3).