Target Audience

Highschool students (15-18 years old); core target group 17-18 years

What we offer

The masterclasses are an international event, each year several thousands students take part. Originally an event for the 2005 world year of physics organized by the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG), it now takes place world-wide every spring over a period of about six weeks at over 225 institutes in 54 countries and over 14.000 participants. Austria is represented with locations in Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck and Linz.

The concept of the masterclasses is to allow the students to "experience a day as particle physicist". They are invited to our institute, learn about the standard model of particle physics, latest results of research, get a guided tour through our institute, and then - after refreshments - are ready to analyse real experimental LHC data themselves in small groups at the PC. In a video conference with CERN / KEK / FermiLab (together with all other masterclasses of the same day) results are compared and discussed. In a small quiz there is a winner of the day. Of course, all students receive a certificate of participation.

Of course, participation (and catering) is complimentary.

Masterclasses on TWITTER.