Since February 20, 2018, the new interactive animation "Shaking Earth" at the NHM Vienna will provide easy-to-understand and seismologically correct information about global, regional, and local seismic activity on different timescales. Real-time data are provided by connection to the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), as well as a selection of historically significant earthquakes. The animation is operable via touchscreen, and it is accessible at the Natural History Museum Vienna (German/English).

Project Leader:

Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Mathias Harzhauser
Head of the Geology and Palaeontology Department
Museum of Natural History Vienna (NHMW)


09/2017 – 12/2017

Final report

Symposium Shaking Earth – Erdbeben goes Public! am NHMW 19. 2. 2018