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The members of PATRHIST intend to provide to researchers and to general public scientific studies (esp. recent ones) on the history of the patriarchate of Constantinople until 1923. Besides this collecting of information, the members will dedicate themselves to special research projects as follows  

  • We will work together on new biographies and provide updated bibliographies of each patriarch of Constantinople (see Projects: The new Gedeon)
  • We will collect electronic information on the subject (via entry of members, partners, free collaborators) and publish on the homepage for the scientific community
  • We invite all researchers interested in the topic to send us 1) their personal data if interested in a scientific partnership, and 2) the data of their research work (done or in preparation) and 3) events (prepared)
  • The Greek team will continue publishing the work "Les regestes des actes du patriarcat de Constantinople" and editing, at the same time, the texts of the acts which are preserved until today (see Projects: Les regestes des actes du patriarcat de Constantinople. Post-byzantine period)