The phonetic transcription used in the VLACH corpus bases on IPA principles and is complemented with specific signs from works dealing with standard Romanian (Rusu 1992) and with Romanian vernaculars outside Romania (e.g. Hungary: Marin & Mărgărit 2005: CLXXXI-CLXXXIV).

IPA  listen  VLACH phonetic descriptionexample (translation)
aAanear-open central unroundedásta (this)
bBbvoiced bilabial plosivebárbă (beard)
cK'k'voiceless palatal plosiveok(eyes)
ɕŚśvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilantmold.śe (do)
dDdvoiced alveolar plosivedínte (tooth)
d' D'd'voiced alveolar palatalized plosiveMold. d'ínt'i (tooth)
d͡zḐḑvoiced alveolar sibilant affricatereg. îc (I say)
d͡ʒǦǧvoiced palato-alveolar affricateǧam (glas)
d͡ʑǴǵvoiced alveolo-palatal affricateBoya. śîǵέ (he/she sat)
eEeclose-mid front unrounded vowelmérǧe (you go)
əĂămid central unrounded vowel cásă (house)
ɛƐɛopen-mid front unrounded vowelreg. ľεmn (wood)
fFfvoiceless labiodental fricativefăínă (wheat)
ɟG'g'voiced palatal plosiveg'ață (ice)
ɡGgvoiced velar plosiveslúgă (slave)
hHhvoiceless glottal fricativehránă (food)
iIiclose front unrounded voweldínte (tooth)
ɪɪɪnear-close near-front unroundedmold. védɪ (he/she sees)
ɨÎîclose central unrounded vowelrî́(river)
j---Ĭĭpalatal semi-vowelĭéste (he/she is)
jJjpalatal approximantreg. jo (I)
kCcvoiceless velar plosivecásă (house)
lLlalveolar lateral approximantlup (wolf)
ɫⱢɫvelarized alveolar lateral approx.mold. ɫup (wolf)
ʎL'l'palatal lateral approximantreg. ľεmn (wood)
mMmbilabial nasalmáre (big)
 Ḿḿbilabial palatalized nasalBan. áre (honey)
nNnalveolar nasalnáre (nose)
ɲŃńpalatal nasalbań (money)
ŋŊŋvelar nasalî́ŋcă (still)
o (ɔ)Oo(close-)mid back rounded vowelfoc (fire)
ɔƆɔopen-mid back rounded vowelArd. ţɔ́le (blankets)
ɤÎîclose-mid back unrounded reg. pî́ine (bread)
pPpvoiceless bilabial plosivepul (the wolf)
rRralveolar trillréč(cold)
 Ŕŕalveolar palatalized trilllumănắ (candles)
ʀƦʀuvular fricativeind. ʀéče (cold)
sSsvoiceless alveolar sibilantsă (house)
ʃȘșvoiceless palato-alveolar sibilantúșă (door)
tTtvoiceless alveolar plosivesfátul (the advice)
t'T't'voiceless palatal-alveolar plosiveArd. copt'í (children)
t͡sȚțvoiceless alveolar sibilant affricate puțín (few)
t͡ʃČčvoiceless palato-alveolar affricateč(what)
t̠͡ɕĆćvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricateBan. fraće (brother)
uUuclose back rounded vowelbun (good)
vVvvoiced labiodental fricativevále (valley)
wŬŭvoiced labio-velar approximantcafeáŭă (coffee)
zZzvoiced alveolar sibilantzút (seen)
ʑŹźvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilantBoya. źos (down)
ʒŽžvoiced palato-alveolar sibilantžos (down)
Mold. Moldova
reg.regional (diverse)