G. Peralta, ; Kunisch, K. (2018) Analysis and Finite Element Discretization for Optimal Control of a Linear Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem with Delay. IMAJNA.
Robert Haller-Dintelmann, Hannes Meinlschmidt, Winnifried Wollner (online: 2018) Higher regularity for solutions to elliptic systems in divergence form subject to mixed boundary conditions. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Bd. 1, S. 1-23 <'https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10231-018-0818-9'>.
Iosevich, A.; Roche-Newton, O.; Rudnev, M. (2018) On discrete values of bilinear forms. Mat. Sb, Bd. 209 (10), S. 71--88.
T. Martinsen, W. Meidl, A. Pott, P. Stanica (2018) On Symmetry and Differential Properties of Generalized Boolean Functions. Lecture Notes Computer Science, Bd. 11321, S. 207-223.
Endtmayer Bernhard, ; Langer Ulrich, ; Wick, Thomas (2018) Multiple goal‐oriented error estimates applied to 3d non‐linear problems. PAMM, Bd. 18 (1), S. e201800048.
Aspri, Andrea; Beretta, Elena; Rosset, Edi (2018) On an elastic model arising from volcanology: An analysis of the direct and inverse problem. Journal of Differential Equations, Bd. 265 (12), S. 6400-6423.
Matculevich, Svetlana; Wolfmayr, Monika (2018) On the a posteriori error analysis for linear Fokker-Planck models in convection-dominated diffusion problems. Appl. Math. Comput., Bd. 339, S. 779-804.
Iglesias, José A.; Sturm, Kevin; Wechsung, Florian (2018) Two-Dimensional Shape Optimization with Nearly Conformal Transformations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Bd. 40 (6), S. A3807-A3830.
Amann, Dominic; Kalimeris, Konstantinos (2018) Numerical Approximation of Water Waves Through a Deterministic Algorithm. J. Math. Fluid Mech., Bd. 20 (4), S. 1815-1833.
A. Winterhof, O. Yayla, V. Ziegler (2018) Non-existence of some nearly perfect sequences, near Butson-Hadamard matrices, and near conference matrices. Mathematics in Computer Science, Bd. 12, S. 465-471.
Jenny, Niebsch; Ronny, Ramlau (2018) Frequency-dependent reconstruction of imbalances. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), Bd. 48, 2018, S. pp. 435–449.
B. Duering, M. Torregrossa, M.T. Wolfram (2018, online: 2019) Boltzmann and Fokker–Planck Equations Modelling the Elo Rating System with Learning Effects. Journal of Nonlinear Science, Bd. NAN, S. 1-34.
Hippler, Stefan; Shatokhina, Iuliia; Obereder, Andreas; al., et (online: 2018) Single conjugate adaptive optics for the ELT instrument METIS. Experimental Astronomy, Bd. ISSN 1572-9508 (online first - not assigned to an issue), S. 1-41.
Cesmelioglu, Ayca; Meidl, Wilfried (2018) Bent and vectorial bent functions, partial difference sets, and strongly regular graphs. Adv. Math. Commun., Bd. 12 (4), S. 691-705.
Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Sturm, Kevin (2018) On the explicit feedback stabilisation of one-dimensional linear nonautonomous parabolicequations via oblique projections. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., Bd. vv, S. pp.
Mantile, Andrea; Posilicano, Andrea; Sini, Mourad (2018) Uniqueness in inverse acoustic scattering with unbounded gradient across Lipschitz surfaces. J. Differ. Equ., Bd. 265 (9), S. 4101-4132.
Mantile, Andrea; Posilicano, Andrea; Sini, Mourad (2018) Limiting absorption principle, generalized eigenfunctions, and scattering matrix for Laplace operators with boundary conditions on hypersurfaces. J. Spectr. Theory, Bd. 8 (4), S. 1443-1486.
Hutterer, Victoria; Shatokhina, Iuliia; Obereder, Andreas; Ramlau, Ronny (2018) Advanced wavefront reconstruction methods for segmented Extremely Large Telescope pupils using pyramid sensors. J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst., Bd. 4 (4), S. ARTN 049005.
Jodlbauer, Daniel; Langer, Ulrich; Wick, Thomas (2018) Parallel Block-Preconditioned Monolithic Solvers for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Bd. 117 (6), S. 623-643.
Abdelaziz, Youssef; Boukraa, Salah; Koutschan, Christoph; Maillard, Jean-Marie (2018) Diagonals of rational functions, pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric functions and modular forms. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Bd. 51 (45), S. 455201.
Hutterer, Victoria; Ramlau, Ronny (2018) Nonlinear wavefront reconstruction methods for pyramid sensors using Landweber and Landweber-Kaczmarz iteration. Applied Optics, Bd. 57 (30), S. 8790-8804.
D. Ghilli, ; Kunisch, K. (online: 2018) On monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for ℓp-type problems, p∈(0,1]. Computational Optimization and Applications, S. 1-41.
Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2018) Explicit exponential stabilization of nonautonomous linear parabolic-like systems by a finite number of internal actuators. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Bd. vv, S. pp.
D. Kalise, ; K. Kunisch, ; Sturm, K. (2018) Optimal actuator design based on shape calculus. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Bd. 28 (13), S. 2667-2717.
R. Hofer, A. Winterhof (2018) On the 2-adic complexity of the two-prime generator. IEEE Transactions Information Theory, Bd. 64 (8), S. 5957--5960.
S. Hodžić, W. Meidl, E. Pasalic (2018) Full characterization of generalized bent functions as (semi)-bent spaces, their dual, and the Gray image. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Bd. 64 (7), S. 5432--5440.
Ramlau, Ronny; Scherzer, Otmar (2018) The first 100 years of the Radon transform. Inverse Probl., Bd. 34 (9), S. ARTN 090201.
Hubmer, Simon; Ramlau, Ronny (2018) Nesterov's accelerated gradient method for nonlinear ill-posed problems with a locally convex residual functional. Inverse Probl., Bd. 34 (9), S. ARTN 095003.
Kunisch, Karl; Souza, Diego A. (2018) On the one-dimensional nonlinear monodomain equations with moving controls. J. Math. Pures Appl., Bd. 117, S. 94-122.
Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2018) NUMERICAL STUDY OF POLYNOMIAL FEEDBACK LAWS FOR A BILINEAR CONTROL PROBLEM. Math. Control Relat. Fields, Bd. 8 (3-4), S. 557-582.
Birner, Katharina; Jüttler, Bert; Mantzaflaris, Angelos (2018) Bases and dimensions of C1-smooth iogeometric splines onvolumetric two-patch domains. Graphical Models, Bd. 99, S. 46-56.
Kirisits, Clemens; Scherzer, Otmar (2018) A Range Condition for Polyconvex Variational Regularization. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Bd. 39 (10), S. 1064-1076.
G. Holler, ; K. Kunisch, ; Barnard, R.C. (online: 2018) A bilevel approach for parameter learning in Inverse Problems. Inverse Problems, Bd. 34 (11).
Eszter Madai, Bartłomiej Matejczyk, Andras Dallos, Monika Valiskoa, Dezso Boda (2018) Controlling ion transport through nanopores: modeling transistor behavior. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Bd. 20, S. 1-12.
L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2018) On the pseudorandomness of some automatic sequences. Cryptography and Communications, Bd. 10 (6), S. 1013--1022.
V. Kovtunenko, ; Kunisch, K. (online: 2018) Revisiting gernalized fem: a petrov-galerkin enrichment based fem interpolation for helmholtz problem. Calcolo, Bd. 55 (3).
Alonso, Mariemi E.; Castro-Jimenez, Francisco J.; Hauser, Herwig; Koutschan, Christoph (2018) Echelons of power series and Gabrielov's counterexample to nested linear Artin approximation. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Bd. 50 (4), S. 649-662.
Lubbes, Niels; Schicho, Josef (2018) Kinematic generation of Darboux cyclides. Comput. Aided Geom. Des., Bd. 64, S. 11-14.
Seiler, Agnes; Großmann, David; Jüttler, Bert (2018) Spline surface fitting using normal data and norm-like functions. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Bd. 64, S. 37-49.
Iglesias, José A.; Rumpf, Martin; Scherzer, Otmar (2018, online: 2017) Shape-Aware Matching of Implicit Surfaces Based on Thin Shell Energies. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Bd. 18 (4), S. 891-927.
Phan, Duy; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2018) Stabilization to trajectories for parabolic equations. Math. Control Signals Syst., Bd. 30 (2), S. 11.
Phan, Duy; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2018) Approximate controllability for Navier-Stokesequations in 3D rectangles under Lions boundaryconditions. J Dyn Control Syst, Bd. vv, S. pp.
A. Cesmelioglu, W. Meidl, A. Pott (2018) Vectorial bent functions and their duals. Linear Algebra Appl., Bd. 548, S. 305-320.
N. Anbar, W. Meidl (2018) Modified planar functions and their components. Cryptogr. Commun., Bd. 10 (2), S. 235-249.
Vo, N. Thieu; Grasegger, Georg; Winkler, Franz (2018, online: 2017) Deciding the existence of rational general solutions for first-order algebraic ODEs. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Bd. 87, S. 127-139.
Vo, Thieu N.; Grasegger, Georg; Winkler, Franz (2018) Computation of all rational solutions of first-order algebraic ODEs. Advances in Applied Mathematics, Bd. 98, S. 1-24.
Scholz, Felix; Mantzaflaris, Angelos; Jüttler, Bert (2018) Partial tensor decomposition for decoupling isogeometric Galerkin discretizations. Elsevier Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Bd. 336, S. 485-506.
Z. Peng, ; Kunisch, K. (2018) Optimal Control of Elliptic Variational–Hemivariational Inequalities. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Bd. 178 (1), S. 1-25.
Takacs, Stefan (2018) Robust approximation error estimates and multigrid solvers for isogeometric multi-patch discretizations. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Bd. 28 (10), S. 1899-1928.
Roche-Newton, O.; Shkredov, I.; Winterhof, A. (2018) Packing sets over finite abelian groups. Integers, Bd. 18 (Paper No. A38), S. 9 pp.
Kapl, Mario; Vito, Vitrih (2018, online: 2017) Dimension and basis construction for C2-smooth isogeometric spline spaces over bilinear-like G2 two-patch parameterizations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Bd. 335, S. 289-311.
S. Hubmer, A. Neubauer, R. Ramlau, H. U. Voss (2018) On the Parameter Estimation Problem of Magnetic Resonance Advection Imaging. Journal of Inverse Problems and Imaging, Bd. 12 (1), S. 175-204.
Freudenblum, Julia; Iglesias, José A.; Hermann, Martin; Walsen, Tanja; Wilfinger, Armin et al. [..] (2018) In vivo imaging of emerging endocrine cells reveals a requirement for PI3K-regulated motility in pancreatic islet morphogenesis. Development, Bd. 145 (3), S. dev.158477.
Koutschan, Christoph; Zhang, Yi (2018) Desingularization in the q-Weyl algebra. Advances in Applied Mathematics, Bd. 97, S. 80-101.
Buccini, Alessandro; Donatelli, Marco; Ramlau, Ronny (2018) A SEMIBLIND REGULARIZATION ALGORITHM FOR INVERSE PROBLEMS WITH APPLICATION TO IMAGE DEBLURRING. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Bd. 40 (1), S. A452-A483.
Hubmer, Simon; Sherina, Ekaterina; Neubauer, Andreas; Scherzer, Otmar (2018) Lamé Parameter Estimation from Static Displacement Field Measurements in the Framework of Nonlinear Inverse Problems. SIAM J. Imaging Sci., Bd. 11 (2), S. 1268-1293.
Wagner, Roland; Ramlau, Ronny; Hofer, Christoph (2018) Point spread function reconstruction for single-conjugate adaptive optics on extremely large telescopes. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Bd. 4 (4), S. 049003.
Challa, Durga Prasad; Choudhury, Anupam Pal; Sini, Mourad (2018) MATHEMATICAL IMAGING USING ELECTRIC OR MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES AS CONTRAST AGENTS. Inverse Probl. Imaging, Bd. 12 (3), S. 573-605.
Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2018) INFINITE-HORIZON BILINEAR OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS: SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS AND POLYNOMIAL FEEDBACK LAWS. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 56 (5), S. 3184-3214.
Guglielmi, Roberto; Kunisch, Karl (2018) Sensitivity analysis of the value function for infinite dimensional optimal control problems and its relation to Riccati equations. Optimization, Bd. 67 (9), S. 1461-1485.
Hutterer, Victoria; Shatokhina, Iuliia; Ramlau, Ronny (2018) Real-time Adaptive Optics with pyramid wavefront sensors: A theoretical analysis of the pyramid sensor model. Inverse Problems, Bd. forthcoming.
Hutterer, Victoria; Ramlau, Ronny; Shatokhina, Iuliia (2018) Real-time Adaptive Optics with pyramid wavefront sensors: Accurate wavefront reconstruction using iterative methods. Inverse Problems, Bd. forthcoming.
Mérai, L. (2018) On the elliptic curve endomorphism generator. Des. Codes Cryptogr., Bd. 86 (5), S. 1113–1129.
Hofer, C.; Langer, U.; Neumüller, M.; Toulopoulos, I. (online: 2018) Time-multipatch discontinuous Galerkin space-time isogeometric analysis of parabolicevolution problems. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (49), S. 126-150.
B. Matejczyk, J.F. Pietschmann, G. Richardson, M.T. Wolfram (2018) Asymptotic models for transport in large aspect ratio nanopores. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Bd. NAN, S. 1-28.
G. Peralta, ; Kunisch, K. (2018) Interface stabilization of a parabolic-hyperbolic pde system with delay in the interaction. AIMS: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Bd. 38 (6), S. 3055-3083.
Guo, Ting; Krattenthaler, Christian; Zhang, Yi (2018) On (shape-)Wilf-equivalence for words. Advances in Applied Mathematics, Bd. 100, S. 87-100.
Clason, Christian; Kruse, Florian; Kunisch, Karl (2018) TOTAL VARIATION REGULARIZATION OF MULTI-MATERIAL TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION. ESAIM-Math. Model. Numer. Anal.-Model. Math. Anal. Numer., Bd. 52 (1), S. 275-303.
Gallet, Matteo and Ranestad, Kristian and Villamizar, Nelly (2018) Varieties of apolar subschemes of toric surfaces. Arkiv foer Mathematik, Bd. 56 (1), S. 73-99.
E. Casas, ; Kunisch, K. (online: 2018) Analysis of Optimal Control Problems of Semilinear Elliptic Equations by BV-Functions. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, S. 1-25.
Iglesias, José A.; Mercier, Gwenael; Scherzer, Otmar (2018) A note on convergence of solutions of total variation regularized linear inverse problems. Inverse Problems, Bd. 34 (5), S. 055011.
Kapl, Mario; Sangalli, Giancarlo; Takacs, Thomas (2018, online: 2017) Construction of analysis-suitable G1 planar multi-patch parameterizations. Computer-Aided Design, Bd. 97, S. 41-55.
Elbau, P.; Mindrinos, L.; Scherzer, O. (2018, online: 2017) The inverse scattering problem for orthotropic media in polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography. GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics, Bd. 9 (1), S. 145-165.
Beigl, Alexander; Elbau, Peter; Sadiq, Kamran; Scherzer, Otmar (online: 2018) Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging in the Acoustic Regime using SPIM. Inverse Problems, Bd. 34 (5), S. 1-15.
Lubbes, Niels (2018) A degree bound for families of rational curves on surfaces. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Bd. 223 (1), S. 30-47.
Bressan, Andrea; Jüttler, Bert (2018, online: 2017) Inf-sup stability of isogeometric Taylor-Hood and Sub-Grid methods for the Stokes problemwith hierarchical splines. IMA Journal of Numerical analysis, Bd. 38 (2), S. 955-975.
Dick, Josef; Irrgeher, Christian; Leobacher, Gunther; Pillichshammer, Friedrich (2018) On the optimal order of integration in Hermite spaces with finite smoothness. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Bd. 56 (2), S. 684-707.
M. Su, A. Winterhof (2018) Hamming correlation of higher order. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Bd. 12 (3), S. 505--513.
Sergei V. Pereverzyev, Shuai Lu, Peter Mathé (2018) Balancing principle in supervised learning for a general regularization scheme. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Bd. 45, S. 26.
L. Mérai, J. Rivat, A. Sárközy (2018) The measures of pseudorandomness and the NIST tests. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., Bd. 10737, S. 197--216.
Grasegger, Georg; Lastra, Alberto; Sendra, J. Rafael; Winkler, Franz (2018, online: 2017) Rational General Solutions of Systems of First-Order Partial Differential Equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (331), S. 88-103.
Chen, Shaoshi; Hoeij, Mark van; Kauers, Manuel; Koutschan, Christoph (2018, online: 2017) Reduction-based creative telescoping for fuchsian D-finite functions. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Bd. 85, S. 108-127.
Poor, Jamal Hossein; Raab, Clemens G.; Regensburger, Georg (2018) Algorithmic operator algebras via normal forms in tensor rings. J. Symb. Comput., Bd. 85, S. 247-274.
Matejczyk, Bartlomiej; Wroblewska-Kaminska, Aneta (2018) Unsteady flows of heat-conducting non-Newtonian fluids in Musielak-Orlicz spaces. Nonlinearity, Bd. 31 (3), S. 701-727.
Friesecke, Gero; Henneke, Felix; Kunisch, Karl (2018) FREQUENCY-SPARSE OPTIMAL QUANTUM CONTROL. Math. Control Relat. Fields, Bd. 8 (1), S. 155-176.
Li, Zijia; Schicho, Josef; Schroecker, Hans-Peter (2018) A survey on the theory of bonds. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., Bd. 35 (1), S. 279-295.
Meidl, W. (2018) A secondary construction of bent functions, octal gbent functions and their duals. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Bd. 143, S. 57--64.
L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2018) On the Nth linear complexity of automatic sequences. Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 187, S. 415-429.
Dirk Horstmann, Hannes Meinlschmidt, Joachim Rehberg (2018) The full Keller-Segel model is well-posed on nonsmooth domains. Nonlinearity, Bd. 31 (4), S. 1560-1592 <'http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6544/aaa2e1'>.
Tapio Helin, Stefan Kindermann, Jonatan Lehtonen, Ronny Ramlau (2018) Atmospheric turbulence profiling with unknown power spectral density. Inverse Problems, Bd. 34 (4), S. 044002.
M. Karpinski, L. Mérai, I. E. Shparlinski (2018) Identity Testing and Interpolation from High Powers of Polynomials of Large Degree over Finite Fields. J. Complexity, Bd. 49, S. 74--84.
Capco, Jose; Gallet, Matteo; Grasegger, Georg; Koutschan, Christoph; Lubbes, Niels et al. [..] (2018) The number of realizations of a Laman graph. SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, Bd. 2 (1), S. 94-125.
Kritzer, P.; Laimer, H.; Pillichshammer, F. (2018, online: 2017) Tractability of L_2-approximation in hybrid function spaces. Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, Bd. 58 (1), S. 89-104.
Langer, Ulrich; Yang, Huidong (2018, online: 2016) Numerical simulation of fluid–structure interaction problems with hyperelastic models: A monolithic approach. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Bd. 145, S. 186-208.
A. Festa, A. Tosin, M.T. Wolfram (2018) Kinetic description of collision avoidance in pedestrian dynamics bysidestepping. Kinetic and Related Models, Bd. NAN, S. NAN.
Thanatipanonda, Thotsaporn; Wong, Elaine (2018) Curious Bounds for Floor Function Sums. Journal of Integer Sequences, Bd. 21, S. Article 18.1.8.
A. Rund, ; C.S. Aigner, ; K. Kunisch, ; Stollberger, R. (online: 2018) Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Bd. 80 (4), S. 1416-1428.
Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl (2018) Receding Horizon Control for the Stabilization of the Wave Equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Bd. 38 (2), S. 449-484.
A. Rund, ; C.S. Aigner, ; K. Kunisch, ; Stollberger, R. (2018) Magnetic Resonance RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Bd. 37 (2), S. 461-472.
Amann, Dominic; Kalimeris, Konstantinos (2018, online: 2017) A numerical continuation approach for computing water waves of large wave height. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Bd. 67, S. 314-328.
V. Hutterer, R. Ramlau (2018) Wavefront reconstruction from nonmodulated pyramid wavefront sensor data using a singular value type expansion. Inverse Problems (34), S. 035002 (19 pp).
Azmi, Behzad; Boulanger, Anne-Céline; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2018) On the semi-global Stabilizability of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation via Model Predictive Control. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Bd. 24 (1), S. 237-263.
D. Gómez-Pérez, L. Mérai, H. Niederreiter (2018) On the expansion complexity of sequences over finite fields. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Bd. 64 (6), S. 4228--4232.
Steinbach, Olaf; Yang, Huidong (online: 2018) Comparison of algebraic multigrid methods for an adaptive space–time finite-element discretization of the heat equation in 3D and 4D. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications.
Elbau, P.; Mindrinos, L.; Scherzer, O. (2018) Quantitative reconstructions in multi-modal photoacoustic and optical coherence tomography imaging. Inverse Probl., Bd. 34 (1), S. ARTN 014006.
Scherzer, Otmar; Shi, Cong (2018) Reconstruction formulas for photoacoustic imaging in attenuating media. Inverse Probl., Bd. 34 (1), S. ARTN 015006.
Sini., L. Boyadjiev; K. Rashedi; M. (2018, online: 2017) Estimation of the time-dependent body force needed to exert on a membrane to reach a desired state at the final time. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Bd. 17, S. 533.
Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2018) Feedback Boundary Stabilization to Trajectories for 3DNavier-Stokes Equations. Appl. Math. Optim., Bd. -, S. -.
Irrgeher, C.; Kritzer, P.; Pillichshammer, F. (2018, online: 2016) Integration and approximation in cosine spaces of smooth functions. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Bd. 143, S. 35-45.
Isik, L.; Winterhof, A. (2018, online: 2017) Carlitz rank and index of permutation polynomials. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 49, S. 156-165.
N. Anbar, A. Oduzak, V. Patel, L. Quoos, A. Somoza, A. Topuzoglu (2018, online: 2017) On the difference between permutation polynomials over finite fields. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 49, S. 132-142.
Mantile, A.; Posilicano, A.; Sini, M. (2018) Limiting Absorption Principle, Generalized Eigenfunctions and Scattering Matrix for Laplace Operators with Boundary conditions on Hypersurfaces. Journal of Spectral Theory, Bd. 7, S. pp.
W. Meidl, I. Pirsic (2018) On the normality of p-ary bent functions. Cryptogr. Commun., Bd. 10 1037–1049 (6), S. 1037--1049.
Aaron Lin, Mehdi Makhul, Hossein Nassajian Mojarrad, Josef Schicho, Konrad Swanepoel, Frank de Zeeuw (2018, online: 2017) On Sets Defining Few Ordinary Circles. Discrete & Computational Geometry, Bd. 59, S. 59-87.