Arpan Mukherjee, Mourad Sini:
Dispersive Effective Metasurface Model for Bubbly Media
arXiv:2412.14895 [math.AP]

Xinlin Cao, Ahcene Ghandriche, Mourad Sini:
Electromagnetic waves generated by a hybrid dielectric-plasmonic dimer
arXiv:2412.12747 [math.AP]

Karl Kunisch, John Sebastian H. Simon:
Low-regret shape optimization in the presence of missing Dirichlet data
arXiv:2412.06479 [math.OC]

Helmut Gfrerer, Michal Kočvara, Jiří V. Outrata:
On the role of semismoothness in the implicit programming approach to selected nonsmooth optimization problems
arXiv:2412.05953 [math.OC]

Xinlin Cao, Arpan Mukherjee, Mourad Sini:
Effective Medium Theory for Heat Generation Using Plasmonics: A Parabolic Transmission Problem Driven by the Maxwell System
arXiv:2411.18091 [math.AP]

Markus Feldt, Thomas Bertram, Carlos Correia, Olivier Absil, M. Concepción Cárdenas Vázquez, Hugo Coppejans, Martin Kulas, Andreas Obereder, Gilles Orban de Xivry, Silvia Scheithauer, Horst Steuer:
High strehl and high contrast for the ELT instrument METIS -- Final design, implementation, and predicted performance of the single-conjugate adaptive optics system
arXiv:2411.17341 [astro-ph.IM]

Aaron Brunk, Marvin Fritz:
Analysis and discretization of the Ohta-Kawasaki equation with forcing and degenerate mobility
arXiv:2411.09498 [math.NA]

Johannes Grünberger, Arne Winterhof:
Some notes on the pseudorandomness of Legendre symbol and Liouville function
arXiv:2411.05471 [math.NT]

Behzad Azmi, Marvin Fritz, Sérgio S. Rodrigues:
Stabilization to trajectories of nonisothermal Cahn-Hilliard equations
arXiv:2411.04018 [math.OC]

Philipp A. Guth, Vesa Kaarnioja:
Quasi-Monte Carlo for partial differential equations with generalized Gaussian input uncertainty
arXiv:2411.03793 [math.NA]

Zexin Pan:
Automatic optimal-rate convergence of randomized nets using median-of-means
arXiv:2411.01397 [math.NA]

Helmut Gfrerer:
On strict proto-differentiability of set-valued mappings
arXiv:2411.01346 [math.OC]

Matteo Gallet, Georg Grasegger, Jan Legerský, Josef Schicho:
Pentagonal bipyramids lead to the smallest flexible embedded polyhedron
arXiv:2410.13811 [math.MG]

Helmut Gfrerer, Simon Hubmer, Ronny Ramlau:
On SCD Semismooth$^*$ Newton methods for the efficient minimization of Tikhonov functionals with non-smooth and non-convex penalties
arXiv:2410.13730 [math.NA]

Herbert Egger, Felix Engertsberger, Lukas Domenig, Klaus Roppert, Manfred Kaltenbacher:
On energy consistent vector hysteresis operators
arXiv:2410.11705 [math.NA]

Long Li, Mourad Sini:
Large Time Behavior for Acoustic Resonators
arXiv:2410.09630 [math.AP]

Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Christoph Koutschan, Natalya Ter-Saakov, Doron Zeilberger:
The (Symbolic and Numeric) Computational Challenges of Counting 0-1 Balanced Matrices
arXiv:2410.07435 [math.CO]

Philipp A. Guth, Peter Kritzer, Karl Kunisch:
Quasi-Monte Carlo integration for feedback control under uncertainty
arXiv:2409.15537 [math.OC]

Herbert Egger, Marvin Fritz:
Well-posedness, long-time behavior, and discretization of some models of nonlinear acoustics in velocity-enthalpy formulation
arXiv:2409.01067 [math.AP]

Herbert Egger, Felix Engertsberger, Lukas Domenig, Klaus Roppert, Manfred Kaltenbacher:
On nonlinear magnetic field solvers using local Quasi-Newton updates
arXiv:2409.01015 [math.NA]

Herbert Egger, Kathrin Hellmuth, Nora Philippi, Matthias Schlottbom:
A kinetic chemotaxis model and its diffusion limit in slab geometry
arXiv:2408.17243 [math.AP]

Ilias S. Kotsireas, Christoph Koutschan, Arne Winterhof:
Quaternary Legendre pairs II
arXiv:2408.16318 [math.CO]

Sérgio S. Rodrigues:
Approximate controllability for 2D Euler equations
arXiv:2408.15164 [math.OC]

Huaning Liu, Arne Winterhof:
On the cross-correlation of Golomb Costas permutations
arXiv:2408.14330 [math.CO]

Xinlin Cao, Ahcene Ghandriche, Mourad Sini:
Optical Inversion Using Plasmonic Contrast Agents
arXiv:2408.13793 [math.AP]

Herbert Egger, Felix Engertsberger, Bogdan Radu:
On the convergence of higher order finite element methods for nonlinear magnetostatics
arXiv:2408.12283 [math.NA]

Sean Dewar, Georg Grasegger, Jan Legerský:
Constructing reflection-symmetric flexible realisations of graphs
arXiv:2408.06928 [math.CO]

Arpan Mukherjee, Mourad Sini:
Dispersive Effective Model in the Time-Domain for Acoustic Waves Propagating in Bubbly Media
arXiv:2408.01158 [math.AP]

Aaron Brunk, Marvin Fritz:
Structure-preserving approximation of the Cahn-Hilliard-Biot system
arXiv:2407.12349 [math.NA]

Behzad Azmi, Sérgio S. Rodrigues:
Output-based receding horizon stabilizing control
arXiv:2407.11530 [math.OC]

Sean Dewar, Georg Grasegger, Kaie Kubjas, Fatemeh Mohammadi, Anthony Nixon:
Single-cell 3D genome reconstruction in the haploid setting using rigidity theory
arXiv:2407.10700 [q-bio.GN]

Vishnupriya Anupindi, Peter Kritzer:
Column reduced digital nets
arXiv:2406.10850 [math.NA]

Behzad Azmi, Karl Kunisch, Sérgio S. Rodrigues:
Stabilizability of parabolic equations by switching controls based on point actuators
arXiv:2406.07997 [math.OC]

Christoph Koutschan, Anton Ponomarchuk, Josef Schicho:
Representing Piecewise-Linear Functions by Functions with Minimal Arity
arXiv:2406.02421 [cs.DM]

Long Li, Mourad Sini:
Uniform Resolvent Estimates for Subwavelength Resonators: The Minnaert Bubble Case
arXiv:2406.02192 [math.AP]

Shaoshi Chen, Christoph Koutschan, Yisen Wang:
How to generate all possible rational Wilf-Zeilberger forms?
arXiv:2405.02430 [cs.SC]

Herbert Egger, Felix Engertsberger, Bogdan Radu:
A reduced scalar potential approach for magnetostatics avoiding the coenergy
arXiv:2405.01082 [math.NA]

Lukas Weissinger, Simon Hubmer, Bernadett Stadler, Ronny Ramlau:
Singular Value and Frame Decomposition-based Reconstruction for Atmospheric Tomography
arXiv:2405.01079 [math.NA]

Herbert Egger, Idoia Cortes Garcia, Vsevolod Shashkov, Michael Wiesheu:
A magnetic oriented approach to the systematic coupling of field and circuit equations
arXiv:2404.15438 [math.NA]

Xinlin Cao, Ahcene Ghandriche, Mourad Sini:
Effective medium theory for Van-Der-Waals heterostructures
arXiv:2404.11859 [math.AP]

Herbert Egger, Felix Engertsberger, Bogdan Radu:
Global convergence of iterative solvers for problems of nonlinear magnetostatics
arXiv:2403.18520 [math.NA]

Herbert Egger, Felix Engertsberger, Klaus Roppert:
Stability and convergence of the penalty formulation for nonlinear magnetostatics
arXiv:2403.18285 [math.NA]

Sean Dewar, Georg Grasegger, Anthony Nixon, Zvi Rosen, William Sims, Meera Sitharam, David Urizar:
Angular constraints on planar frameworks
arXiv:2403.16145 [math.CO]

Sean Dewar, Georg Grasegger, Eleftherios Kastis, Anthony Nixon, Brigitte Servatius:
Rigidity of nearly planar classes of graphs
arXiv:2402.17499 [math.CO]

Lukas Weissinger, Simon Hubmer, Ronny Ramlau, Henning Uwe Voss:
An Inverse Problems Approach to Pulse Wave Analysis in the Human Brain
arXiv:2402.09803 [math.NA]

Philipp Alexander Grzywaczyk, Arne Winterhof:
Primitive elements of finite fields $\mathbf{F}_{q^r}$ avoiding affine hyperplanes for $q=4$ and $q=5$
arXiv:2402.09192 [math.NT]

Nicolai Jork, John Sebastian H. Simon:
Analysis of Unregularized Optimal Control Problems Constrained by the Boussinesq System
arXiv:2402.06873 [math.OC]

Peter Kritzer:
Selected aspects of tractability analysis
arXiv:2402.02396 [math.NA]

Bernard Ducomet, Šárka Nečasová, John Sebastian H. Simon:
Global solutions of Euler-Maxwell equations with dissipation
arXiv:2402.00669 [math.AP]

Philipp A. Guth, Karl Kunisch, Sergio S. Rodrigues:
Tracking optimal feedback control under uncertain parameters
arXiv:2402.00526 [math.OC]

Christoph Koutschan, Christian Krattenthaler, Michael Schlosser:
Determinant evaluations inspired by Di Francesco's determinant for twenty-vertex configurations
arXiv:2401.08481 [math.CO]

Durga Prasad Challa, Divya Gangadaraiah, Mourad Sini:
Elastic fields generated by multiple small inclusions with high mass density at nearly resonant frequencies
arXiv:2401.03784 [math.AP]